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Hunt Test Title Holders

Showcase of AKC/HRC Hunt Test Title Holders

Gracie earned her AKC Junior Hunter title (upland) on August 4, 2024


Dog’s call name.   Gracie


Dog’s full registered name:  Airecraft Grace Under Fire, JH, CD, JFT


Gender: Female

Date of Birth: 11/17/22


Sire: Coldstream Born in the USA, MH, CD, RA, MFT

Dam: GCh. Airecraft By Special Request, RI, FDC, BCAT, CGC, TKP

Breeder : Kimberly & Dale Burrier 

Owners:  Chris Halvorson and Angela Dobbins, Lockport, NY

Tex  earned his AKC Junior Hunter (upland) title on April 24, 2022


Dog’s call name.   Tex


Dog’s full registered name:  Airecraft AT6  Texan CD, PCD, BN, RM, JH, FTI



Gender: Male

Date of Birth: 9/06/2019


Sire: Airecraft Test Pilot

Dam: GCH Airecraft Enola Gay

Breeder : Kimberly & Dale Burrier 

Owners:  Joyce & Craig Contofalsky, Wadworth, OH

Hunt Test Title Holders
Showcase of AKC/HRC Hunt Test Title Holders

AKC Junior Hunting Title ( Upland) earned October 15, 2022


Dog’s call name: Hershey


Full Name: Stillwaters Lindsey York Hershey  JH (AKC) JHF, JHR


Gender: Female

Date of Birth: 02/22/2014


Sire:King Louis Von Der Weiler Burg


Dam: Stillwaters Restore My Soul Penny

Breeder: Sherri Glass 

Owner - Susan Hogsette, Lexington OH

Title earned and date:  AKC Junior Hunter Retriever title on June 18, 2022


Dog’s call name: Sunshine


Dog’s full registered name:  Hilltops Sunshine over Butternut CGC, JHR


Gender: Female

Date of Birth: 1/19/2015


Sire: Tartan Scottshire Hilltopper

Dam: Traymar Hilltop All American Girl

Breeder: Lawrence Alexander

Owners - Kate and Joe Ostrowski, Dallas, PA

AKC Title and Date Earned:  Junior Hunter, title earned May 22, 2022


Call name:  Maya


Full name:  Legends Airedales Eureka’s Pride, JH, GD


Gender:  Female

Date of birth:  May 3, 2021


Sire:  Country Life’s Ohuivo Doc Holliday

Dam:  Stillwaters Reeva Mia, SH, MHF

Breeder/owner:  Michael Sites, Eureka, MO

AKC Title earned and date title earned  - Junior Hunter, October 9, 2021


Dog’s call name - Elliott


Dog’s full registered name and all this titles  -  CH UKC CH Donaldmac's Easy on the Eyes JH, MFT, CD BN RE  NAP DCAT ACT2  RATM CGC TKE UR01


Gender: - Male

Date of Birth: - December 23, 2016


Sire: GCH CH Elkrems Cold Hard Cache

Dam: GCH CH Klondike's Sweet Little Treasure

Breeder: Leith MacDonald

Owner:  Kimberly K. Zaborniak, Millersport, OH

Official Title: AKC Junior Hunter Retriever on September 5, 2020 


Call Name: Tanner


Full Name:

Pipestone's Fine Tanned Leather JHR (AKC), SH (AKC), SHR (HWA)

Tanner earned his AKC Senior Hunter title on  September 5, 2021



Gender:  Male

DOB: April 5, 2019


Sire:  CH Redcoat's Play it Again Sam

Dam: Pipestone's My Impish Little Angel

Breeder:  Mary Beth Schuster

Owners:  Scott Lichty and Anita Smits, Bloomington, MN

Reeva earned her AKC Junior Hunter title on August 25, 2019

Reeva earned her AKC Senior Hunter title on Oct. 6th, 2019  


Call name:  “Reeva"


Full name and all titles:   Stillwaters Reeva Mia, SH, SHV, MFT


Gender:  Female

Date of Birth:  2/19/2017


Sire:   UUD Dollar vom Erikson, JH, CD  SHF, JHR, TD, CD, IPO2, et al

Dam:  Stillwaters Days of My Life Winnie

Breeder: Sherri Glass

Owner:  Michael and Elise Sites, Eureka, MO

Libby earned her AKC Junior Hunter title on September 1, 2018. 


Call name:  "Libby"


Full name and all titles:  Hilltop’s Liberty Belle - JH, JHV, JFT, UH-N (GLSDC)   


Gender:  Female

Date of Birth:  10/21/13


Sire:Traymar Hilltop Quincey

Dam:  Hilltopper’s Tartan Rhoda

Breeder:  Lawrence Alexander

Owner:  John and Pat Bell, Newark, OH

Triumph earned his AKC Junior Hunter Title on May 20, 2017.


Dog's Call Name: "Tri"


Dog's full name and all titles: Imprimis Triumph Maximus Emperor –

JH, JHFur, SHF, BH, OB1, OB2, OB3, CGC


Gender: Male

Date of birth: April 21, 2014


Sire: Imprimis Heir to the Memories

Dam: Imprimis Imperia


Breeder: Lisa Harden-Berglin

"Tri" is owned, handled, and was trained by Patricia Gintilas – Lemont, IL  

Laser earned his AKC Junior Hunter Title on August 27, 2017.


Dog’s call name: "Laser"


Dog's full name and all titles:



Gender: Male

Date of birth: August 28, 2009


Sire: Arthus von bella Donna

Dam: Bessy vom Hassgau


Breeder: Christie Williams

Owner: Linda Sorak – Normal, Illinois

Euro earned his AKC Junior Hunter Title on September 23, 2017.

Dog’s call name: "Euro"


Dog's full name and all titles:

CT, UUD, URO2, UAG1, UAG2 Dollar von Erikson   JH (AKC), SHR, JHR, CD, PCD, VCD1 TD, TDU, TDX, TD2, NJP, NAP, OFP, OAP, OJP, FXP, RL3, RLV, TKI, TKA, CL3-R, BH, AD, IOP1, IPO2, RATO, RL2


Gender: Male

Date of birth: July 22, 2013


Sire: Richard von Erikson

Dam: Wilhelmine von Erikson


Breeder:  Harriet Rosenthal

Owner: Linda Sorak – Normal, Illinois


Mike earned his AKC Junior Hunter title on May 20, 2017. Mike earned his AKC Senior Hunter title on May 19, 2018;  his AKC Junior Hunter Retriever title on August 1, 2021; and his AKC Master Hunter (upland) title on August 6, 2022. 



Dog's call name: "Mike"


Dog's full name and all titles:

Coldstream Make My Day, MH (AKC), JHR (AKC), MFT, SHV, MHF, CD


Gender: Male

Date of birth: March 25, 2015


Sire: Coldstream Born in the USA, MH, MHV,


Dam: Coldstream Go Winnie Go


Breeder:  Corally Burmaster

Owner: Chris Halvorson – Lockport, NY

AKC Junior Hunter (upland) title earned April 23, 2023


Dog’s Call Name:  Aldo


Dog’s Registered Name:  Legend’s Thinking Like A Mountain, JH


Gender:  Male


Date of Birth:  May 3, 2021


Sire:  Country Life’s Ohuivo Doc Holliday, NA

Dam:  Stillwater’s Reeva Mia SH (AKC), GD, SHV, MFT

Breeder:  Michael Sites

Owner:  Hailey Johnston, Osawatomie, KS


AKC Junior Hunting Title ( Upland) earned October 15, 2022


Dog’s call name: Hershey


Full Name: Stillwaters Lindsey York Hershey  JH (AKC) JHF, JHR


Gender: Female

Date of Birth: 02/22/2014


Sire:King Louis Von Der Weiler Burg

Dam: Stillwaters Restore My Soul Penny


Breeder: Sherri Glass 

Owner - Susan Hogsette, Lexington OH


Title earned and date:  AKC Junior Hunter Retriever title on June 18, 2022


Dog’s call name: Sunshine


Dog’s full registered name:  Hilltops Sunshine over Butternut CGC, JHR


Gender: Female

Date of Birth: 1/19/2015


Sire: Tartan Scottshire Hilltopper

Dam: Traymar Hilltop All American Girl

Breeder: Lawrence Alexander

Owners - Kate and Joe Ostrowski, Dallas, PA


Maya earned her AKC Senior Hunter Advanced title on April 27, 2024.  


Maya earned her AKC Master Hunter title on  September 14, 2024.


Maya earned her AKC Senior Hunter title on April 23, 2023. 


AKC Title and Date Earned:  Junior Hunter, title earned May 22, 2022


Call name:  Maya


Full name:  Legends Airedales Eureka’s Pride Maya GD, JH, SH, SHA, MH


Gender:  Female

Date of birth:  May 3, 2021


Sire:  Country Life’s Ohuivo Doc Holliday

Dam:  Stillwaters Reeva Mia, SH, MHF

Breeder/owner:  Michael Sites, Eureka, MO


AKC Title earned and date title earned  - Junior Hunter, October 9, 2021


Dog’s call name - Elliott


Dog’s full registered name and all this titles  -  CH UKC CH Donaldmac's Easy on the Eyes JH, MFT, CD BN RE  NAP DCAT ACT2  RATM CGC TKE UR01


Gender: - Male

Date of Birth: - December 23, 2016


Sire: GCH CH Elkrems Cold Hard Cache

Dam: GCH CH Klondike's Sweet Little Treasure

Breeder: Leith MacDonald

Owner:  Kimberly K. Zaborniak, Millersport, OH


Tanner earned his AKC Senior Hunter Advanced title on May 21, 2023


Tanner earned his AKC Senior Hunter title on  September 5, 2021


Official Title: AKC Junior Hunter Retriever on September 5, 2020 


Call Name: Tanner


Full Name:

Pipestone’s Fine Tanned Leather, JHR (AKC), SHA (AKC), SHR, UDX2, OM3, VERS


Gender:  Male

DOB: April 5, 2019


Sire:  CH Redcoat's Play it Again Sam

Dam: Pipestone's My Impish Little Angel

Breeder:  Mary Beth Schuster

Owners:  Scott Lichty and Anita Smits, Bloomington, MN


Reeva earned her AKC Junior Hunter title on August 25, 2019

Reeva earned her AKC Senior Hunter title on Oct. 6th, 2019  


Call name:  “Reeva"


Full name and all titles:   Stillwaters Reeva Mia, SH, SHV, MFT


Gender:  Female

Date of Birth:  2/19/2017


Sire:   UUD Dollar vom Erikson, JH, CD  SHF, JHR, TD, CD, IPO2, et al

Dam:  Stillwaters Days of My Life Winnie

Breeder: Sherri Glass

Owner:  Michael and Elise Sites, Eureka, MO


Libby earned her AKC Junior Hunter title on September 1, 2018. 


Call name:  "Libby"


Full name and all titles:  Hilltop’s Liberty Belle - JH, JHV, JFT, UH-N (GLSDC)   


Gender:  Female

Date of Birth:  10/21/13


Sire:Traymar Hilltop Quincey

Dam:  Hilltopper’s Tartan Rhoda

Breeder:  Lawrence Alexander

Owner:  John and Pat Bell, Newark, OH


Triumph earned his AKC Junior Hunter Title on May 20, 2017.


Dog's Call Name: "Tri"


Dog's full name and all titles: Imprimis Triumph Maximus Emperor –

JH, JHFur, SHF, BH, OB1, OB2, OB3, CGC


Gender: Male

Date of birth: April 21, 2014


Sire: Imprimis Heir to the Memories

Dam: Imprimis Imperia


Breeder: Lisa Harden-Berglin

"Tri" is owned, handled, and was trained by Patricia Gintilas – Lemont, IL  


Laser earned his AKC Junior Hunter Title on August 27, 2017.


Dog’s call name: "Laser"


Dog's full name and all titles:



Gender: Male

Date of birth: August 28, 2009


Sire: Arthus von bella Donna

Dam: Bessy vom Hassgau


Breeder: Christie Williams

Owner: Linda Sorak – Normal, Illinois


Euro earned his AKC Junior Hunter Title on September 23, 2017.

Dog’s call name: "Euro"


Dog's full name and all titles:

CT, UUD, URO2, UAG1, UAG2 Dollar von Erikson   JH (AKC), SHR, JHR, CD, PCD, VCD1 TD, TDU, TDX, TD2, NJP, NAP, OFP, OAP, OJP, FXP, RL3, RLV, TKI, TKA, CL3-R, BH, AD, IOP1, IPO2, RATO, RL2


Gender: Male

Date of birth: July 22, 2013


Sire: Richard von Erikson

Dam: Wilhelmine von Erikson


Breeder:  Harriet Rosenthal

Owner: Linda Sorak – Normal, Illinois



Mike earned his AKC Junior Hunter title on May 20, 2017. Mike earned his AKC Senior Hunter title on May 19, 2018;  his AKC Junior Hunter Retriever title on August 1, 2021; and his AKC Master Hunter (upland) title on August 6, 2022. 



Dog's call name: "Mike"


Dog's full name and all titles:

Coldstream Make My Day, MH (AKC), JHR (AKC), MFT, SHV, MHF, CD


Gender: Male

Date of birth: March 25, 2015


Sire: Coldstream Born in the USA, MH, MHV,


Dam: Coldstream Go Winnie Go


Breeder:  Corally Burmaster

Owner: Chris Halvorson – Lockport, NY


Paladin earned his AKC Junior Hunter (upland) title on June 5, 2016; his HRC Started Hunting Retriever title on April 23, 2016; and his AKC Senior Hunter (upland) title in June 2017. Paladin earned his HRC Seasoned Hunting Retriever title on June 27, 2021

Paladin was the first Airedale to earn an AKC Junior Hunter Retriever (JHR) title on Sept. 17th, 2019


Paladin was the first Airedale to earn an AKC Senior Hunter Retriever (SHR) title on June 12, 2022.



Dog's Call Name: "Pal"


Dog's full name and all titles:  HR (HRC) Seneca Have Gun Will Travel ,  SH (AKC), SHR (AKC) CD, CA



Gender: Male

Date of birth: May 23, 2013


Sire: Ch. Seneca Minnesota Razzle, CDX, RE AXP, AJP

Dam: Ch. Seneca You Will Fancy This


Breeder: Nancy Secrist

"Pal" is owned & handled by David Morgan – New York, NY


Emmitt earned his AKC Junior Hunter Title on August 28, 2016.


Dog's Call Name: "[Dammit] Emmitt"


Dog's full name and all titles: U-Ch, Ch Airecraft Catapult Launch – JH, CDX, BN, GN, RAE, JHF, JHR


Gender: Male

Date of birth: August 27, 2006


Sire: Ch Talydale Friar Tuck From Stargus

Dam:  Airecraft Aileron Roll, CDX, RE


Breeder(s): Kimberly A. Burrier & Dale J. Burrier

Owned & handled by Kimberly Burrier – Newton Falls, OH


Filson earned his AKC Junior Hunter Title on October 5, 2014; his AKC Senior Hunter tItle on May 7, 2016; and his AKC Master hunter title on October 28, 2017.


Dog's Call Name: "Filson"


Dog's full name and all titles:

Hilltop’s Filson of Little Sandyriver –



Gender: Male

Date of birth: January 30, 2012


Sire:  Hilltop's  Lucky

Dam:  Hilltopper's  Tartan Rhoda


Breeder: Lawrence Alexander

Handled by: Kate Ostrowski

Owned by: Kate and Joe Ostrowski – Dallas, PA


Bruce earned his AKC JH title on October 27, 2012; his AKC SH title on

May 17, 2014; his AKC Master Hunter Title on August 28, 2016; and his MHV title at HWA's 2017 Nationals.


Dog's Call Name: "Bruce"


Dog's full name and all titles:

Coldstream Born in the USA – MH (AKC), MHV, MFT, CD, RA, GD


Gender: Male

Date of birth: November 25, 2009


Sire: CH Traymar Westchester Pearl Jam

Dam: Coldstream Traymar Double Trouble


Breeders:  Corally Burmaster and Margo Dupre

Owner: Chris Halvorson – Lockport, NY


Kasbah earned her AKC Master Hunter Title on July 23, 2016.


Dog's Call Name: "Kas"


Dog's full name and all titles: Kasbah von Treffenwald – 



Gender: Female

Date of birth: February 7, 2010


Sire: Othello von Laubenhaid

Dam:  Hexe von Treffenwald


Breeder: Petra Scheubeck

Owned & handled by Edward S. Weiss, MD – St. Louis, MO


Scarlett earned her HRC title of Hunting Retriever on April 22, 2018.  She is the first Airedale to earn that advanced title. 

Scarlett earned her AKC Master Hunter title on October 29, 2016.



Dog's Call Name: "Scarlett"


Dog's full name and all titles:  

HR Seneca Scarlett von Summit - MH, JHF, JHR


Gender: Female

Date of birth: May 2, 2011


Sire:  Seneca Whodunits Case Closed, TD1

Dam:  Ch. Seneca Texas Sternchen


Breeder: Nancy L. Secrist

Handled by: Ron Swisher

Owners: Ron Swisher and Lori Taylor – New Cumberland, PA


Kira earned her AKC Senior Hunter Title on Sept. 1, 2013; her AKC Master Hunter Title on July 22, 2016; and her MHV title at HWA’s 2017 Nationals.


Dog's Call Name: "Kira"


Dog's full name and all titles:  

Airecraft Kira Stella Sites, MH (AKC), MFT, MHV, GD, CGC  


Gender: Female

Date of birth: February 4, 2010


Sire:  Ch. Traymar Westchester Pearljam

Dam:  Coldstream Airecraft Saratoga CD, RN


Breeder(s): Dale J. & Kimberly A. Burrier

Owned & handled by Michael Sites – Eureka, MO


Lou earned her AKC Junior Hunter Title on Sept. 7, 2013.


Dog's full name and all titles:  

Airecraft Louisiana Sough of N. Vly -  JH (AKC), MFT, GD


Gender: Female

Date of birth: August 18, 2010


Sire:  Ch. Airecraft Catapult Launch, JH, CDX, RAE, JHF, JHR

Dam:  Coldstream Airecraft Saratoga CD, RN


Breeder(s): Dale Burrier, Corally M. Burmaster & Kimberly A. Burrier

Owned & handled by: Alexis Nordahl-Inks – St. Paul, MN


Izzy earned her AKC Junior Hunter Title on May 18, 2013.


Dog's full name and all titles:

Airecraft Izzadora, JH


Gender: Female

Date of birth: September 23, 2007


Sire:  Ch. Talydale Friar Tuck from St. Argus

Dam:  Airecradt Alouise Warbird, CDX, RA

Breeder(s): Dale J. & Kimberly A. Burrier


Owned & handled by Brian Bolier

– West St. Paul, MN


Willow earned her AKC Senior Hunter Title on August 18, 2013.


Dog's full name and all titles:  

Airecraft Whomping Willow of N Vly - SH, JHFur, GD, CGC


Gender: Female

Date of birth: September 23, 2007


Sire: CH Talydale Friar Tuck From Stargus

Dam: Airecraft Alouise Warbird CDX RA


Breeder(s): Dale J. & Kimberly A. Burrier


Owner: Matthew Nordahl – Marine on St. Croix, MN

Willow is handled by her owner, Matthew Nordahl.


Pete earned his AKC Junior Hunter title on September 9, 2012.


Dog's full name and all titles:  

Tartan Scottshire Wolf Creek Pistol Pete JH, (AKC), SHF, JHR, CDX, BN, RAE2


Gender: Male

Date of birth: Dec. 9, 2007


Sire: CH Tartan Scottshire Ultraglide

Dam: CH Tartan Scottshire GoGo Boots


Breeder(s): Carol L. Scott & E. Forbes Gordon

Owner: Craig Contofalsky & Joyce A. Contofalsky
Pete is handled by Joyce A. Contofalsky – Wadsworth, OH


Jet earned her AKC Master Hunter title on May 19, 2013

at the ATCA's Cooley Memorial Hunt Test. She also completed her Master Hunter Versatile (MHV) title by earning her Master Hunter Fur (MHFur) title.


Dog's full name and all titles:  

U-CDX Connemara's Lustrous Gem, Vermillion Streaming Jet  MH (AKC), MHV, CDX, RE, NA, NAJ, CGC.


Gender: Female

Date of birth: March 7, 2008


Sire: CH Keystone's Diamond Rio

Dam: CH  MACH7 - Connemara's Tuff Act To Follow MH (AKC), CDX, TQX2, JHV, SHF, SHFur, RE, MXF, TDI, CGC


Breeder: Deanna Corboy-Lulik


Owner(s): Constance White

& Deanna Corboy-Lulik – Chicago, IL

Jet is handled by Constance White – Chicago, IL


Force earned his AKC Junior Hunter title on May 19th, 2013.


Dog's full name and all titles:  

Eclipse Nozone Enforcer, JH, JVH, SHFur, AX, AXJ, OF, AAD, BN, CGC


Gender: Male

Date of birth: August 28, 2009


Sire: Arthus von Bella Donna

Dam: MACH 3 Bessy Vom Hassgau JFur, UD et al


Breeder: Christie Williams

Owned & handled by: Carrie LaCombe – W. Lafayette, IN


Ella was the first Airedale to earn an AKC Hunt Title at Montgomery County Kennel

Club weekend, during the ATCA's first sponsored hunt test on Oct. 3, 2009.


Dog's full name and all titles:

Strongbow Breezy Ella Louise CDX RE JH


Gender: Female

Date of birth: July 25, 2002


Sire: CH Moraine Prime Minister, MHV

Dam: Strongbow Louisiana Belle


Breeder: Bonnie Pozolinski & Gerald J. Pozolinski


Owner(s): Joyce A. Contofalsky & Craig Contofalsky

– Sharon Township, OH
Ella is handled by Joyce A. Contofalsky


Kaleigh earned the first Master Hunter Title awarded to an Airedale on August 8, 2010.


Dog's full name and all titles:  

CH  MACH7 - Connemara's Tuff Act To Follow MH (AKC), CDX, TQX2, JHV, SHF, SHFur, RE, MXF, TDI, CGC


Gender: Female

Date of birth: Oct. 3, 2000


Sire: CH Brisline Keystone Mr Cool


Kaleigh was bred, and is owned & handled

by Deanna Corboy-Lulik – Mt. Prospect, IL


Hannah earned her UKC Upland Hunter

Title on March 4, 2012 – and then earned her

AKC Senior Hunter title on May 20, 2012.


Dog's full name and all titles:  

Hollytroy Han Rules Wingate, SH (AKC), UH (UKC),



Gender: Female

Date of birth: Jan. 18, 2002


Sire: CH Huntwood Mavrick 'n Hollytroy

Dam: CH Huntwood's Liza at Hollytroy, CD, OA, OAJ


Breeder(s): Carole Kane and Susan Kipp


Owner(s): Mark & Karen Werner, West Bend, WI


Hannah is handled by: Mark Werner – West Bend, WI


Bob earned the first AKC Hunt Test Title awarded to an Airedale on Sept. 6, 2009.


Dog's full name and all titles:  

Regent Wasabi, SH (AKC), JHF, UD, RA. GO, VER


Gender: Male

Date of birth: August 16, 2003


Sire: CH Redcoat's North Star Ranger

Dam: CH Regent Whistle Down the Wind


Breeder: Martha Graham

Owner(s): Scott Lichty and Anita Smits, Bloomington, MN


Bob is handled by Scott Lichty – Bloomington, MN


Kodi earned his AKC Junior Hunter Title on May 19, 2012.


Dog's full name and all titles:  

Icepond Kodrack's Kodiak, JH


Gender: Male

Date of birth: March 26, 2008


Sire: CH Traymar Westchester Pearljam

Dam: CH Serendipity Cecelia


Breeder(s): Paula and Holger Falk


Owned & handled by: Frank Kodrack – Brighton, MI


Payton earned her AKC Senior Hunter Title on Oct. 18, 2009 and earned her Master Hunter title in 2012.


Dog's full name and all titles:  

Connemara's Competitive Edge



Gender: Female

Date of birth: June 1, 2007


Sire: CH. Seneca WhoDunIt’s Motive

Dam: CH  MACH7 - Connemara's Tuff Act To Follow MH (AKC), CDX, TQX2,



Tulla earned her AKC Senior Hunter Title on October 21, 2012.


Dog's full name and all titles:  

Ch. Strongbow Tullamore Dew, SH (AKC), SHR, JHR, CGC


Gender: Female

Date of birth: March 17, 2006


Sire: CH Garnet Ridge Elite

Dam: Strongbow Belle of the West


Breeder(s): Sandra Cooley and Donna Grady


Owner: Sandra Cooley – Grafton, WI


©2024   Hunting Working Airedales, Inc. - All rights reserved.

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