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Prior Years HWA Minutes


Summary of HWA Board Teleconference Meeting Minutes
December 17, 2015


The HWA Board met via teleconference on December 17, 2015. Present were President Chris Halvorson, Vice President Patricia Nemeth, Treasurer Michael Sites, Secretary Ellen Gordon, Sherri Glass, George Gordon and Mike Logsdon. Lawrence Alexander was absent.

Secretary’s Report – Ellen Gordon

The Minutes from November 19, 2015 Board meeting were discussed. After one correction about the timing of an Events meeting, held Patricia Nemeth moved to accept the Minutes, and Mike Logsdon seconded. The Minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s Report – Michael Sites

Treasurer Michael Sites reported a starting balance of $14,761.86, with monthly receipts of $1,680.00 and month’s expenses of $1.47, for an ending balance of $16,440.39. Ellen Gordon moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report, and Patricia Nemeth seconded. Accepted.

Thank You cards have been mailed to all donors who sent contributions to the
Sustaining or Training funds with their memberships.

The invoice from Andrea Shaw for $470.00 for website services was discussed and approved. Michael Sites will send payment to Andrea Shaw.
A year-end financial report will go on web site.

Events Planning Committee Report- Patricia Nemeth

Contracts for the 2016 Nationals Upland Judges and Workshop presenter are done. The committee is still working on the retriever judges for the Nationals
Committee asked the Board to discuss items to have for the Limited Raffle at the Nationals. Suggestions included a chainsaw dog, Nan Hamilton pottery, or Kelly McDermott felted Airedale. No conclusion at this time.

Fundraising Report – Chris Halvorson

Online store’s sales items have been delivered, but no check received from vendor yet. Chris Halvorson to contact Lori Taylor.

Corally Burmaster is still planning picture raffle, with the winning ticket to be drawn at Fun in Field. Corally suggested setting up a credit card acceptance through Pay Pal for raffles to increase sales. Michael Sites will look into this.
Corally also suggested HWA look into finding someone to assist her and Pat Reed with raffles and auction so they can train them to take over the event, as they will eventually want to turn over the job to other volunteers.


Marketing Committe- Michael Sites

The Committee is investigating using Facebook, posting links to go to HWA. Michael
Sites found 7 upland hunting blogs for possible use.

Web site- Board discussion reached a consensus that HWA should have contract with Andrea Shaw for her professional web services. Chris Halvorson to draft a contract and talk with Andrea Shaw.


Trophies- Patricia Nemeth

Patricia will submit a bill for around $43.00 for some updating on the trophies.

Membership Committee- Lawrence Alexander and Mike Logsdon

Present 2016 membership is 37. Membership drive to go until end of February. Mike and Lawrence plan to send out letters to everyone who doesn't renew on their own.


Education- George Gordon

George will do a seminar at Fun in Field on Airedale Structure and Hunting Airedales. Seminar will need about 1 hour, and it will be scheduled around 11:00 am on Saturday. Geroge will have handouts of the Airedale’s AKC Standard.. Dale Burrier will also participate and have dog or two for demonstration. There will be questions after.


Old Business

There was no old business.


New Business-

Chris pointed out one big challenge for 2016 will be to find Board members to start serving in 2017 replacing members whose terms will expire: Chris Halvorson and Lawrence Alexander, and George Gordon. Mike Logsdon will be eligible for one more 2 year term.

On behalf of all the Board, Chris thanked Sherri Glass and Ellen Gordon for their hard work as Board members for the last four years. Their terms expired with this meeting.

Next meeting will be Jan.28, 2016, 7:00 P.M.
George Gordon moved to adjourn and Mike Logsdon seconded. Adjourned.

Respectfully submitted, Ellen Gordon, Secretary


Summary of HWA Teleconference Board Meeting Minutes
October 22, 2015


The HWA Board met October 22, 2015 for it's monthly teleconference. Present were President Chris Halvorson, Vice President Patricia Nemeth, Secretary Ellen Gordon, Lawrence Alexander, George Gordon, Mike Logsdon and Sherri Glass. Treasurer Michael Sites was absent.


Secretary’s Report – Ellen Gordon

The September 10, 2015 Board meeting minutes were discussed. Lawrence Alexander made motion to accept, and Patricia Nemeth seconded. Approved. The Annual General Meeting minutes of Sept. 11, 2015 were also discussed. Patricia Nemeth moved to accept, and Sherri Glass seconded. Approved.


Treasurer’s Report – Michael Sites

Treasurer Michael Sites sent us report.

HWA’s checkbook had a starting balance of $17,343.47, with receipts of $4,945.00 and expenses of $7,408.61, leaving an ending balance of $14,879.86. Ellen Gordon moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report, and Mike Logsdon seconded. Accepted. The Board decided to put the Year to Date financial report on in the Members’ Section of the web site at end of year. The Board discussed issuing a refund of National fees to Joyce Contolfalsky since she didn’t attend due to illness of her dogs. Patricia Nemeth made motion for the refund, and Lawrence Alexander seconded. Passed.


Events Committee Report- Patricia Nemeth

Patricia reported that all went well at the Nationals, with generally good feedback. Good reports on Hunting Instinct Tests. The Board discussed switching testing of upland and retriever events as dogs seem to have trouble adjusting change.


Fundraising Report – Chris Halvorson

Chris reported on behalf of Corally Burmaster and Pat Reed, who were in charge of fundraising at the Nationals. Corally Burmaster reported a total of $3,856.00 raised in the auction and raffles. Corally also sent comparison of this year’s results with previous years’ results. This year’s results averaged out to $30.00 spent per person. Corally Burmaster has one framed print she kept back to raffle separately in spring, and possibly have the winning ticket pulled at Fun in the Field. Corally also received a Maud Earl print of hunting otterhounds from the Joey Fineran estate. That print may be auctioned on E-Bay.

Lori Taylor updated Chris Halvorson on the online sales. The vendor reported a good response, with several orders for with multiple items. We should have more detailed report soon.


Marketing committee- Chris Halvorson

Date to be set yet the next meeting. Face book 1368 “likes.” Marked catalog, photos, and report sent to our webmaster to be posted asap.


Trophy Committee- Patricia Nemeth

Patricia reported the Road Dog Trophy was updated.


Membership Committee- Mike Logsdon

Mike Logsdon and Lawrence Alexander have the printed membership forms and feel sending out written notices with a personal touch might be better approach. The Membership Drive will run till February.

Old business- There were 8 titles earned this year.


New business- No new business.


Next meeting- Nov. 19, 2015 at 7:00 P.M. George Gordon moved to adjourn, and Patricia Nemeth seconded.

Respectfully submitted -Ellen Gordon Sec.

Summary of HWA General Membership Meeting Minutes

– September, 11, 2015

The Annual General Membership Meeting of HWA members and guests was held Sept. 11, 2015 at the Holly Hills Lodge at 4:30 P.M. There were 26 members and guests present.


HWA President Chris Halvorson welcomed everyone and had special welcome for Isaac White, who was able to attend this year. Last years Nationals were dedicated to him as he was ill.


Secretary’s Report – Ellen Gordon

HWA Secretary Ellen Gordon gave a summary of last year’s events and General Membership Meeting Minutes.

As per the HWA ByLaws, the election of the 2016 Board took place a this meeting. Since there were no nominations from the membership, the Secretary cast one ballot for the slate presented by the Nominating Committee: President Chris Halvorson, Vice-President Patricia Nemeth, Treasurer Michael Sites, Secretary Mike Logsdon, and Board members Lawrence Alexander, Stuart Eavenson, Kate Ostrowski. George Gordon has been appointed to fill the remainder of the term vacated by the resignation of Ed Weiss. Sherri Glass and Ellen Gordon's terms expired, and they were thanked for their service.


Treasurer’s Report – Michael Sites

Treasurer Michael Sites presented a year-to-date financial report and a monthly report. He noted a starting balance of $16,184.90 with receipts of $1,354.00 in August and expenses of $195.43 in August for an ending balance to date of $17,343.47. [This balance does not reflect payments for Nationals’ expenses that will be deducted after the event].


Events Planning Committee- Patricia Nemeth

Patricia reported that all is going well so far. She announced time of 7:30 am registration for Saturday’s events. Tests to start promptly at 8 am.


Fundraising- Corally Burmaster and Pat Reed

Corally announced that Limited Raffle tickets still available. Basket raffle tickets and table auction will be held at dinner Saturday night.


Marketing Committee- Michael Sites

Michael reported the Marketing Committee is exploring other hunting and Airedale internet sites to promote HWA. Another idea is to produce a new brochure highlighting the versatility of an Airedale as a 3-in-one hunting dog.


Education Committee- George Gordon

Ellen Gordon reported in George’s absence. Plans are proposed for a program to be put on at Fun in Field by George and Dale Burrier on how the Airedale’s structure affects performance in the field.


Breeders Committee- Sherri Glass

Sherri explained that breeders are listed in the Breeders’ Referral section of web site. The breeder must be an HWA member to be listed in the Breeders’ Referral section.


Trophy Committee – Patricia Nemeth and Sherri Glass

Our HWA trophies are on display at in Holly Hills’ lodge during the Nationals. A card by each trophy explains its significance.


Membership Committee- Mike Logsdon and Lawrence Alexander

Lawrence pointed out that HWA needs new members. 2016 Membership applications are available this weekend if you would like to sign up. We have 75 members to date. Old Business

Nationals’ goal is constant growth and improvement, and we ask for suggestions from those attending HWA events.

Reminder that qualifications of Airedales entered in AKC and HRC hunt tests and ATCA Fur Test titles do count as legs in HWA versatile program. Chris noted that due to mutual efforts the relationship between HWA and the ATCA has improved the past year.


New Business

Scott Lichty, ATCA Fur Test chairman, announced the Fur Test qualifiers: the Ostrowskis’ Baxter, Isaac Whites’ Lucy and Patricia Ginitlas’ Triumph. Lawrence Alexander and Kim Burrier presented the Priscilla Cree award to Isaac White and Lucy for highest-scoring qualifier in the ATCA Fur Test.

Comments- Scott Lichty thanked HWA for its good website. Katherine White also commented on the importance of the website, and how important it is for members take time to talk to people about Airedales.

Next year plans are to have Fun in the Field and the Nationals as close to this year’s dates as possible.

We concluded with hearty thanks to Dean and Marsha Hatfield, owners of Holly Hills, for all they do for HWA this weekend.


Respectfully submitted, Secretary Ellen Gordon



Summary of HWA Board Meeting Minutes
– September 10, 2015


The HWA Board met Sept. 10, 2015 at the Quality Inn, Chillicothe, Ohio, at 5 pm. Present were President Chris Halvorson, Vice-President Patricia Nemeth, Secretary Ellen Gordon, and Board members Lawrence Alexander, George Gordon, Sherri Glass, and Mike Logsdon. Future Board members Stuart Eavenson and Kate Ostrowski and guests John and Pat Bell also attended. Michael Sites was absent due to late work schedule and arrival time.


Secretary’s Report – Ellen Gordon

Minutes from the Aug. 27, 2015 Board meeting were discussed. George Gordon made motion to accept the Secretary’s Report, and Patricia Nemeth seconded. Approved.


Treasurer’s Report – Michael Sites

Michael Sites sent a report noting a starting balance of $16,184.90. Receipts for this month were $1,354.00, month’s expenses of $195.43, for an ending balance of $17,343.47. Ellen Gordon moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report, and Lawrence Alexander seconded. Approved.


Events Planning Committee - Patricia Nemeth

Patricia reported that plans are set and ready for weekend.

Michael Sites will pay Marsha Hatfield for lunches ordered, plus $88.00 for comped lunches for judges and gunners. The Hospitality Committee (Contofalskys, George Gordon and Dale Burrier) will be taking judges to supper Friday night. HWA will offer to pay for judges’ gas. 50 pre-paid dinners are ordered at approximately $1450.00, plus bar set up of 30.00. Patricia Nemeth and Kate Ostrowski to be the Banquet’s Masters of Ceremony. Lawrence Alexander to give invocation. Judges will give call backs to the water for the qualifiers in the land series. Sherri Glass will present Hunting Instinct certificates to qualifier. Corally Burmaster and Pat Reed to handle auction and raffle.

HWA General Members’ Meeting to be at Holly Hills at 4:30 pm on Friday, Sept. 11. According to HWA Bylaws, the Secretary will cast one ballot for the slate nominated for the 2016 Board. Committee heads will give short yearly reports. Kim Burrier will announce ATCA qualifiers, and Lawrence Alexander will present the Priscilla Cree award for highest Fur Test qualifier.


Education Committee- George Gordon

Ellen to report for George Gordon, as he will be at judges’ dinner.


Fundraising – Chris Halvorson

[As the Fundraising Committee lacks a formal chair], Chris reported that the Limited Raffle tickets still available. Barb Tulanko and Ellen Gordon to sell merchandise at Holly Hills lodge. HWA’s Line Store to start Sept. 18.



Michael Sites will give a marketing report, More puppy brochures are ordered. At the Annual Meeting, web master Andrea Shaw and Mike Logsdon will be thanked for their work on the website. Pat Bell to be thanked for all her work on editing the catalog.


Trophy Committee- Patricia Nemeth and Sherri Glass

Thanks to George and Ellen Gordon for sponsoring the Gunners’ Trophy this year. Discussion on who has won the Road Dog Trophy and concluded Kate Ostrowski and Filson will be the winners. Chris Halvorson has certificates for first time attendees. Trophies will be displayed at lodge with cards explaining what they are for.


Membership Committee – Mike Logsdon and Lawrence Alexander

Membership forms will available at Nationals Event Secretary’s table. Have Mike Logsdon will promote the Members Section on the website at the Annual Meeting. Old business-

Questions of AKC Fur Test recognition and HWA becoming an AKC club still on hold. New business-

Chris asked the Board for permission to book Quality Inn and Holly Hills as close to this year’s date as possible for the 2016 Nationals and Fun in the Field. Board agreed.


Next conference Oct. 22, 2016 at 7:00 P.M.


Respectfully submitted Ellen Gordon, Sec.


Summary of of HWA Teleconference Board Meeting Minutes
August 27, 2015


The HWA Board met via teleconference August 27,2015 at 7:00 P.M.. Present were President Chris Halvorson; Vice President Patricia Nemeth;Treasurer Michael Sites; Secretary Ellen Gordon; and Lawrence Alexander. Absentees were Sherri Glass and Mike Logsdon.


Secretary’s Report – Ellen Gordon

Minutes from the July 23, 2015 were discussed. There was one correction - that Lori Taylor did not suggest dates to open the online store, the Board did. Michael Sites moved to approve the Minutes with correction. Patricia Nemeth seconded. Approved.


There were no nominations received from the membership by the Aug. 11, 2015 deadline, so the Secretary will cast one ballot for the slate at the General Meeting on Friday, Sept.11, 2015. There will be a Board meeting on Sept 10, 2015 at the hotel at 5:00 pm. Kate Ostrowski and Stuart Eavenson will be invited to attend this meeting, as they will go on Board in 2016.


Treasurer’s Report – Michael Sites

Treasurer Michael Sites reported a starting balance of $11,913.56. Receipts for the month were $4,680.00 and monthly expenses were $408.75, for an ending balance on 8/26/15 of $16,184.90. Michael also reported we have 27 single memberships and 24 family memberships. George Gordon moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report, and Ellen Gordon seconded. Approved.


Chris Halvorson reported 500 more puppy brochures were ordered. George Gordon questioned where the other brochures were sent, and if there was a cost. Brochures are free and are offered to breeders on the ATCA breeders list, HWA breeders list, and people with Airedale litters. Membership

Chris asked the Board to review the Membership Form, which was updated for 2016. Mike Logsdon suggested adding a box to check if you want your donations listed publically or kept private. We will have membership forms at Nationals. Events Committee Report- Patricia Nemeth


Patricia reported that all plans are on track. Catalog ad sales are up. Scott Lichty is handling the ATCA Fur Test entries. Board members were encouraged to check our Jobs List. Board members will be introduced at Hospitality and banquet. A 50/50 raffle will be held at Hospitality and winner announced at General Meeting. Fundraising- Chris Halvorson reporting for Corally Burmaster-


Limited Raffle sales are going well, and over 1/3 of the tickets are sold. Lori Taylor contacted our Online Store vendor, and sales to start after Nationals and run for 2 to 3 weeks.

Breeders’ committee-Sherri Glass absent


Trophy Committee- Patricia Nemeth

Patricia reported that all is okay. Lawrence Alexander has the Priscilla Cree award, that he offers and will present. The trophies will be displayed at clubhouse during the Nationals weekend.


Marketing- Michael Sites

Discussion on plans made so far. The committee is suggesting we consider doing another brochure emphasizing the versatile hunting aspects of the Airedale. Members of the Marketing Committee will share more hunting-related posts on various Airedale Facebook sites.

The HWA website is current.


No other old business


No new business


Next teleconference meeting will be on Oct. 22,2015 at 7 pm.


Adjourn- Motion to adjourn made by Patricia Nemeth and seconded by George Gordon

Respectfully submitted, Ellen Gordon Sec.

Summary of HWA Teleconference Board Minutes
July 23, 2015


The HWA Board Meeting teleconference was held July 23, 2015 at 7:00 P.M. Present were President Chris Halvorson; Vice President Patricia Nemeth; Treasurer Michael Sites; Secretary Ellen Gordon; George Gordon and Sherri Glass. Lawrence Alexander and Mike Logsdon were absent.


Secretary’s Report – Ellen Gordon

The Minutes from June 25, 2015 Board meeting which were sent out 7/20/15 were discussed. Michael Sites moved to approve the Minutes, and Patricia Nemeth seconded. Approved.


Treasurer’s Report – Michael Sites

Treasurer Michael Sites reported a checking balance of $11,913.65. No receipts this month; but one expense of $35.00 for balance of club insurance. Ellen Gordon moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report, and Patricia Nemeth seconded. Approved.


Membership Committee –Mike Logsdon and Lawrence Alexander

Mike Logsdon and Lawrence Alexander were absent. Chris Halvorson sent them a list of names so they could send out letters encouraging members and past members who haven't attended the Nationals for some time to come saying we missed you etc. Mike Logsdon has put Premium lists on the members’/club topics section of website.


Events Committee – Patricia Nemeth

Patricia Nemeth reported all work for the Nationals is well underway. Mike Logsdon and Pamela Tanner will sponsor the hospitality Thursday night. HWA score sheet revisions approval was pending. Chris Halvorson motioned to accept the score sheet revisions, and Michael Sites seconded. Approved. Michael Sites said the 30th Anniversary banner is ordered. It will be displayed at Hospitality, the Banquet and at Holly Hills. A 15.00 fee will also be charges for to audit a the Retriever workshops at the Nationals.


Fundraising –Chris Halvorson

Chris Halvorson said Lori Taylor received the Board’s request that we open up the HWA online store after the Nationals and run for more than two weeks, dates from Sept. 18 to Oct. 17. Lori will check with into it. Corally Burmaster reported the Limited Raffle will be a Swarovski crystal Airedale, painting, Kelly Woods sketch, collectable breast plate, and Dannyquest statue. Sales will start at end of July and run until banquet.


Education- George Gordon

George would like to put on seminar at Fun in the Field or the Nationals next year on how the Airedale bred to the AKC Standard makes a better working dog. Dale Burrier and George were requested to do a talk at Grayslake, Ill. and would be willing to do the same for HWA.


Trophy Committee- Sherri Glass/Patricia Nemeth

Our supply of trophies and ribbons should be enough for this year.


Breeders’ Committee-Sherri Glass

Nothing new to report.


Marketing Comittee -Michael Sites

Committee met 7/21/15. Committee members Chris Halvorson and Mike Logsdon suggested the assignment of some ideas and tasks to increase club participation and donations. We area using HWA Facebook site to review 30 years of Nationals with photos etc. As a side thought, discussed whether HWA needs a historian? Should years of digitized archived HWA photos be saved on disc? Puppy brochures are low and should we do new one emphasizing the working aspect and also send info out to other sites about activities and titles?


Old business-

We will have 2016 membership forms at Nationals.


New Business.

No new business


Next meeting Aug. 27, 2015 at 7:00 P.M.


George Gordon moved to adjourn, and Patricia Nemeth seconded.


Respectfully submitted, Ellen Gordon, Sec.

Summary of HWA Teleconference Board Meeting Minutes
June 25, 2015


The HWA Board meeting was held June 25,2015 at 7:00 P.M. Members present were President Chris Halvorson; Vice President Patricia Nemeth; Treasurer Michael Sites; Secretary Ellen Gordon; Board members Lawrence Alexander, Mike Logsdon, and Sherri Glass.


Secretary’s Report – Ellen Gordon

Minutes from the May 28, 2015 Board meeting were discussed, and after Ellen Gordon made corrections to add some omitted wording, specifically, that all seemed to be going well, we should encourage more catalog advertising, and chamois shirts were discussed for board members, cost around 40.00 to contact Patricia Nemeth with size. Lawrence Alexander moved to accept the Minutes with corrections, and Mike Logsdon seconded. Approved.


Treasurer’s Report – Michael Sites

Treasurer Michael Sites reported a beginning balance of $12,679.28, with receipts of $100.00 and expenses of $894.18 for an ending balance of $11,885.10. The Treasurer also will send in another $35.00 for the balance of the insurance. Sherri Glass moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report, and Lawrence Alexander seconded. Approved.


Membership Committee - Mike Logsdon and Lawrence Alexander

Nothing new to report.


Events committee- Patricia Nemeth

Goals recently discussed by Committee: Emphasize why we need donations, welcome people at hospitality and banquet, maybe have name tags at dinner with different color for new people.

If Board members want the chamois shirts they are to buy them individually and get them to Patricia Nemeth to be embroidered with logo HWA 30YRS. 1985-2015. Cost about 6.00 with 5.00 donation to club.

Recognition at Nationals banquet to be given for years of Nationals attendance.

Joyce Contofalsky has been working on the Events Committee to improve the score sheets for HWA tests.

John Bell has researched the difference in cost to having the catalog printed in color, and the Board decided that considering the small difference price, the catalog could be printed in color.

Idea was discussed of having a vinyl banner noting 30th anniversary of the HWA. Banner could be hung at the Banquet and Hospitality, as well as at Holly Hills.

Mike Logsdon has acquired some white boards for announcements at HWA events.


Fundraising - Chris Halvorson

Lori Taylor will do the online store. It will start soon after the Nationals.

Discussed the 50/50 Raffle at Hospitality with Corally Burmaster, and Corally felt that it wouldn't hurt the sales at the banquet. Mike Logsdon made motion to amend the previous vote against the Hospitality 50/50 Raffle. Patricia Nemeth seconded .Approved.


Breeders Committee - Sherri Glass

Trophy Committee - Patricia Nemeth and Sherri Glass

Nothing new to report

Marketing Committee - Michael Sites

Michael submitted an outline of recent Marketing Committee to Board. Committee suggested we go through membership and invite people who haven't been at our events for sometime to attend again. Website is up to date.


Old Business

Nominating Committee chair Patricia Nemeth announced that Mike Logsdon was nominated for Secretary, Kate Ostrowski for the Board, and Stuart Evanson would be approached to see if he would accept a nomination for the other open Board position.

New Business


Ed Weiss submitted his resignation from the board by e-mail on June 7, 2015. The Secretary to keep e-mail in files as a record of this action. The Board officially accepted Ed Weiss’ resignation when Michael Sites made motion to accept the resignation of Ed Weiss, and Patricia Nemeth seconded. Accepted.

The Nominating Committee suggested George Gordon's name in to fill the remainder of Ed Weiss's term. Patricia Nemeth made motion to appoint George Gordon to fill the term, and Mike Logsdon seconded. All approved. George Gordon will also chair the Education Committee.


Next meeting will be July 23, 2015 at 7:00 P.M.


Respectfully submitted, Ellen Gordon, Sec.

Summary of HWA Teleconference Board Meeting Minutes
– May 28, 2015


The HWA Board met May 28, 2015 at 7:00 P.M. Present were President Chris Halvorson, Vice President Patricia Nemeth, Treasurer Michael Sites, Secretary Ellen Gordon, Lawrence Alexander, Mike Logsdon and Sherri Glass. Ed Weiss was absent.


Secretary’s Report – Ellen Gordon

The minutes from the April 15, 2015 meeting were discussed. After a change in wording that Ed Weiss was not absent, but that he came into the meeting as old business was starting, Patricia Nemeth moved to accept and Lawrence Alexander seconded. Approved.


Treasurer’s Report – Michael Sites

Treasurer Michael Sites reported a starting balance of $13,088.28, with receipts of $96.00 and expenses of $505.00, for an ending balance of $12,679.28. The Treasurer has paid HWA’s Directors and Officers insurance, and he will send payment of $506.18 for Liability Insurance. Ellen Gordon moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report, and Mike Logsdon seconded. Approved.


Membership Committee - Mike Logsdon and Lawrence Alexander

Membership committee has closed the membership drive. Discussion: we should have had membership info at Fun in Field.


Events committee- Patricia Nemeth

We will seek more advertising in catalog at $50.00 per page. There will be no charge for catalogs. We need sponsorship of Hospitality evening. The ordering of chamois-cloth shirts with a 30th Anniversary emblem, to be pre-ordered for Board members and volunteers, was discussed.


Fundraising - Chris Halvorson

Discussion: Should we have a 50/50 raffle at hospitality? The Board decided not to, as it might cut into other sales and auction.


Breeders Committee - Sherri Glass

Reported nothing new.


Trophy Committee - Patricia Nemeth and Sherri Glass

Sherri Glass reported all trophies, ribbons and awards have been inventoried.

Discussion: Are ribbons/trophies club assets, as far as insurance? When insurance was bought trophies were covered, but the question is how do we put a value on them for making a claim? Obsolete trophies are to be brought to Nationals and may be taken by whoever wants them.


Marketing/Publicity Committee - Michael Sites

Michael sent out a report to Board of Marketing Committee meeting and gave review on plans so far.

Business cards to be sent out to board members. Web site to be updated by Andrea Shaw, while Mike Logsdon will handle Members/ Club Topics section.


Old Business -

The ATCA has approved having the ATCA Fur Test at the HWA Nationals, and the ATCA Fur Test title can be awarded as an equivalent to the HWA Fur Test title. ATCA newsletter did have the HWA Nationals ad, as well as the ad that Chris Halvorson sent in for her dog.


New Business -

Nominating Committee named- Patricia Nemeth (chair), Craig Contofalsky, and John Bell named to the committee. Committee will be announced to membership in June newsletter and will ask for nominations.


Lawrence Alexander moved to adjourn, and Michael Sites seconded. Next meeting June 25, 2015 at 7:00 P.M.


Respectfully submitted, Ellen Gordon, Sec.

Summary of Minutes of HWA Board Meeting
– April 15, 2015


The teleconference of the HWA Board was held April 15, 2015 at 7:00 P.M. Present were President Chris Halvorson, Vice President Patricia Nemeth, Treasurer Michael Sites, Secretary Ellen Gordon, Lawrence Alexander, Sherri Glass, Mike Logsdon, and Ed Weiss.


Secretary’s Report – Ellen Gordon

Minutes from the March 26, 2015 meeting were reviewed and corrected with the additions: that Ed Weiss was absent for the first half of the meeting, instead of being recorded as simply “absent;” and that Roberts Rules of Order were followed. With those corrections, Ed Weiss moved to accept the Minutes, and Mike Logsdon seconded. Approved.


Treasurer’s Report – Michael Sites

Treasurer Michael Sites- Ending balance as of March 24, 2015 was $14,495.37. Ellen Gordon moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report, and Lawrence Alexander seconded. Approved.


Membership Committee - Mike Logsdon/Lawrence Alexander

Nothing new at this time. No new members this month.


Events Committee - Patricia Nemeth

People seemed to enjoy the Fun in the Field weekend. Bonfire went well. The only negative comment so far was that people in gallery for the upland practice hunts couldn't see all the action. The idea of a storage unit dropped. Patricia Nemeth has the merchandise inventory.


Fundraising - Chris Halvorson

Brainstorming for possible events to raise money included ideas to have a shoot out competition and/or a pocket quail event with a special marked wing for a high 50/50 payout.


Education - Ed Weiss

Ed suggested putting out more information for the public, perhaps by having business cards made for Board members to post on appropriate public venues. We will look into this.

Breeders Committee - Sherri Glass Nothing new to report.


Trophies - Patricia Nemeth/Sherri Glass

Trophy inventory to be done.


Marketing Committee - Michael Sites

Committee formed and includes Michael Sites, Mike Logsdon and Chris Halvorson. Michael Sites started with an email conversation on goals. Committee will meet monthly.


Old Business -

Ed Weiss made an amended motion to his prior motion that unsolicited articles to the Board do not reflect the opinions of the Board. Motion dropped because of a lack of a second and then withdrawn.


Nominating Committee formation -

Several names were suggested. Committee should be named by the May meeting. Board term summary: Chris Halvorson, Ed Weiss, and Lawrence Alexander have one more year. Patricia Nemeth will have one more 2 year term. Mike Logsdon and Michael Sites can be elected for on more 2-year term. Ellen Gordon and Sherri Glass's terms end this year. Slate goes to membership in June.

ATCA Pres. Bob Lucas and the Board of the ATCA will discuss holding an ATCA Fur Test at the HWA Nationals at an upcoming meeting. No news yet.


New business -

An article in Purina's Today’s Breeder magazine featured Dale and Kim Burriers’ Airecraft Kennel, noting their emphasis on breeding the versatile Airedale for hunting/working/ and conformation.


Next meeting May 28, 2015 at 7:00 P.M.


Respectfully submitted, Ellen Gordon


Summary of HWA Board Meeting Minutes,
March 26, 2015


The HWA Board held its teleconference March 26, 2015, at 7:P.M. Present were President Chris Halvorson; Vice President Patricia Nemeth; Treasurer Michael Sites; Secretary Ellen Gordon; and Board members Lawrence Alexander and Mike Logsdon. Ed Weiss was present for the latter portion of the meeting. Sherri Glass was absent.


Secretary’s Report – Ellen Gordon

Minutes from Feb. 26, 2015 Board meeting were discussed. One correction: the wording was changed from “trophy” to “award” for the Ed Weiss proposed award offer. One addition: Sherri Glass had made a motion to approve the spending of $500.00 for the key chains for the 30th anniversary Nationals gift, and Lawrence Alexander seconded.

With the corrections, Patricia Nemeth made motion to accept the Minutes, and Lawrence Alexander seconded. Approved.


Noted that all the members who had sent extra money as donations for the training and sustaining funds received thank you cards. There were 13 such donations.


Treasurer’s Report – Michael Sites

Treasurer Michael Sites reported a monthly starting balance of $13,663.37. This month’s receipts were $872.00, with expenditures of $40.00, for an ending balance of $14,495.37. We have 26 single memberships and 34 family memberships.

Ellen Gordon moved to accept the Treasurer’s report, and Mike Logsdon seconded. Approved.

Ellen Gordon requested a check to buy 100 stamps. Approved.

A check for $405.00 is to be sent to Andrea Shaw for maintaining website.

Fun in the field payments for the events should balance out expenses and probably break even. Four hats were purchased as prizes for a cost of $40.00. Sporting clay costs to come from participants in that fun event. Gratuity for Dean Hatfield and possibly for bird boys to come from fees. HWA to pay for lunches for the non-club member gunners.


Membership Committee – Mike Logsdon and Lawrence Alexander

Mike Logsdon and Lawrence Alexander sent out snail-mail reminders to members who had not paid 2015 dues to see if they wanted to renew. Ten people renewed as a result. Membership Drive now ended.

Events Committee – Patricia Nemeth


Purchase of 30th Anniversary commemorative key chains was discussed, and picture was sent out to Board members to show the design. Cost is $600.00 for 100 pieces. $500.00 from HWA had been approved, and Michael Sites will donate the difference. Lawrence Alexander moved to accept the design, and Mike Logsdon seconded. Approved. Keychains will be given out to people who attend the Nationals dinner, and to entrants not coming to dinner. The remaining keychains will be sold $10.00 each.

Some discussion followed on the idea of renting storage space for trophies and merchandise. Subject was tabled.


Fundraising - Chris Halvorson

Kate Ostrowski will meet Lori Taylor to make possible the transfer of HWA merchandise inventory in time for sales at Fun in the Field. Lori reported that a check with proceeds from our online store sales will be coming soon from the vendor.


Marketing/publicity Committee - Michael Sites and Mike Logsdon and Chris Halvorson

Michael Sites already started with e-mail stating goals of this new committee. Plans in works for a teleconference.


Old Business

Noted that Ed Weiss joined the meeting at this point.

Discussion of Ed Weiss Breeders’ Incentive Award followed. Ed Weiss has withdrawn the offer of the award, but to follow Roberts Rules of Order, Mike Logsdon made a motion to rescind the motion that had been approved at the Feb. 26,2015 meeting by Ed Weiss, and seconded by Chris Halvorson, to offer the award. The motion to rescind was seconded by Patricia Nemeth. Vote: Chris Halvorson - yes, Patricia Nemeth - yes, Mike Logsdon - yes, Ellen Gordon - yes, Lawrence Alexander - yes, Ed Weiss – abstained, and Sherri Glass absent. Motion to rescind passed.

Report on ATCA/HWA Committee talks: Chris Halvorson talked with ATCA President Bob Lucas on the results of the committee’s proposals. The ATCA Board did not vote at their Louisville Board meeting on the request to hold an ATCA Fur Test at the HWA Nationals in September. The ATCA Board stated it was acceptable for HWA to put ads in the ATCA newsletter, The America Airedale. The ATCA will also accept ads from ATCA members who wish to include their dogs’ HWA titles in their ads. Chris Halvorson moved to put an ad for the HWA Nationals in the next issue, and Ellen Gordon seconded. Approved.


New Business

A Nominating Committee will be appointed in at our April meeting, HWA members will be informed who is on committee in May, and slate presented to members and Board in June. Ed Weiss brought up a Barbara Strebiegh article that was sent as an unsolicited email to the Board. Ed Weiss made motion that the article did not express the opinions of the Board. Chris Halvorson seconded. Some discussion held, but topic tabled until next meeting.


Next meeting April 15, 2015 at 7:00 P.M.


Lawrence Alexander moved to adjourn and Mike Logsdon seconded.


Respecfully submitted Ellen L. Gordon, Sec.

Summary of HWA Teleconference Board Minutes
– February 26, 2015


The monthly meeting of the HWA Board was held Feb. 26. 2015 at 7:00 P.M. Present were President Chris Halvorson, Vice-President Patricia Nemeth, Secretary Ellen Gordon, Sherri Glass, Lawrence Alexander, Mike Logsdon, and Ed Weiss. Absent: Treasurer Michael Sites.


Secretary’s Report –Ellen Gordon

Minutes from the Jan. 22, 2015 Board meeting were discussed. Patricia Nemeth moved they be accepted without corrections or additions, and Lawrence Alexander seconded. Approved.

Membership drive - Present membership drive to end the last of Feb. A membership committee was discussed, and Lawrence Alexander will work on it with the help of Mike Logsdon. Mike Logsdon will make up list, dues form and letter and send on to Lawrence Alexander, who will add “personal touch” comments and mail out.


Treasurer’s Report

No treasurers report due to Treasurer’s absence. But Michael Sites did submit a budget plan for 2015. Chris Halvorson moved to accept the budget, and Ed Weiss seconded. Approved.


Events Committee Report – Patricia Nemeth

The Events Committee reported that they had considerable discussion of some suggestions for a suitable “giveaway” commemorative gift for attendees of the upcoming 30th Nationals. They forwarded their recommendation to the Board. Sherri Glass made a motion that the Board approve the expenditure of $500 for 100 commemorative 30th anniversary keychains. Lawrenece Alexander seconded. All were in favor. Motion approved.

Fundraising Report- Chris Chris Halvorson has been in contact with Lori Taylor. We should be getting a check from vendor for the HWA online store. Lori is working on a spreadsheet and inventory of HWA logo merchandise.


Education- Ed Weiss

Ed Weiss discussed the revision of his Gen 2 proposal- Ed Weiss would like to sponsor an award that reads- “Dr. and Mrs. Edward Weiss offer the Breeding Incentive Award to the highest scoring dog earning a new master title at the Nationals each year, and if unavailable, a dog achieving the three senior titles at the HWA Nationals event. The award funds the collection and two year storage of semen in the name of the owner of record at the time of qualification with the condition that the dog be bred to a bitch owned by a HWA member. It is traditional that the first stud fee resulting from first such breeding be returned to the prize to provide its perpetuity.”

After much discussion Ed Weiss made the motion to offer the award, and Chris Halvorson seconded. Vote- Chris Halvorson, yes; Ed Weiss, yes; Sherri Glass, yes; Lawrence Alexander, yes; Mike Logsdon, yes, Ellen Gordon, no; and Patricia Nemeth, no. Motion passed. Michael Sites absent.


Breeders’ committee- Sherri Glass

Nothing new to report


Trophy committee- Patricia Nemeth/Sheri Glass

All in order


Publicity- Chris Halvorson

Andrea Shaw has most of needed information on web site. Mike Logsdon has put Fun in the Field info up in the Members section/Club Topics section.

The Members section’s 2015 new users ID is: member and the password is HWA30years. HWA Facebook site is up to 1026 “likes.”


Old Business:

Forming a Marketing committee again discussed. Both Michael Sites and Mike Logsdon are interested in it, as well as Chris Halvorson.

A teleconference of the HWA/ATCA committees was held on February 10th. Attending as ATCA representatives: Bob Lucas, ATCA President; April Clyde, Scott Lichty, Connie White and Matt Nordhal; HWA representatives were: Chris Halvorson, President; Corally Burmaster, and George Gordon. Patricia Nemeth had a schedule conflict.

HWA had approved having an ATCA fur test with the HWA Nationals last year, so the proposal was discussed again to seek ATCA approval. Scott Lichty said that his end of taking entries, catalog and premium list would be do-able. Bob Lucas, ATCA President, will present the proposal to the ATCA Board at the March ATCA Board meeting.

Also discussed: That HWA to be allowed to advertise HWA events in the ATCA’s newsletter; and that the ATCA recognize HWA titles and allow them to be published in advertisements placed by ATCA members in the club newsletter.


New business-

Chris mentioned the nominating committee should be appointed in April. That committee is announced in May to membership and asks for nominations. Slate is presented in June.

Next meeting: March 26, 2015 at 7:00 P.M.

Chris Halvorson moved to adjourn and Ed Weiss seconded.

Respectfully submitted, Ellen Gordon Sec.

HWA Board Teleconference Minutes
January 22, 2015


The HWA Board meeting was held Jan.22, 2015 at 7:00 P.M. Present were Vice President Patricia Nemeth, Treasurer Michael Sites, Secretary Ellen Gordon, Sherri Glass, Lawrence Alexander, and Mike Logsdon. Chris Halvorson and Ed Weiss were absent.


Secretary’s Report – Ellen Gordon:

Minutes from the December 18, 2014 meeting were reviewed. Lawrence Alexander moved to accept the Minutes, and Mike Logsdon seconded. Approved.


Treasurer’s Report – Michael Sites:

Treasurer Michael Sites gave report of a current balance in the checking account of $11,674.03. There are at present 10 single memberships and 11 family memberships. Mike Logsdon moved to accept the Treasurers report, and Sherri Glass seconded. Approved.

Full financial report of 2014 will be posted on the members section of the website. Michael Sites agreed to work on a 2015 budget.


Events Committee- Patricia Nemeth:

The liability-release statement to include with event entries was discussed. Patricia Nemeth moved to accept it and use it on HWA entries. Ellen Gordon seconded. Motion approved. It will go out with the entry form for Fun in the Field.

Two people who don't have Airedales may want to come to Fun in the Field. The Board felt a couple non-Airedale entries wouldn't be a problem.

The Board discussed gifts to be given out at 30th Nationals. The general feeling was that everyone should get gifts, not just entrants. Tabled until next meeting.

Meals at Fun in the Field weekend to include Saturday dinner at the Old Canal Smokehouse; possible get together Friday night for those at hotel; and lunch meals will be at Holly Hills for a fee of 8.00 per person Saturday and Sunday.


Fundraising-Chris Halvorson

Lori Taylor reported sales of 31 items on the online store for $308.00. The vendor will be sending a check to Lori Taylor, and she will forward to Michael Sites.


Education- Ed Weiss absent

The Gen 2 proposal- Michael Sites will contact Ed Weiss for more information and report back to club.

Breeders committee- Sherri Glass

Sherri will contact Dave Morgan and Stew Tardif to see if they still want to be on the committee. Trophy committee- Patricia Nemeth and Sherri Glass Sherri will have spread sheet ready by Fun in Field of what trophies and ribbons are on hand.


Publicity- Chris Halvorson

Andrea Shaw will be working on website updates with new Board and change homepage graphics. Chris Halvorson had sent out notices to members about updating titles on their dogs on the website. Might be changing password and id's for members section and Mike Logsdon is looking into new password name.


Old business:

Chris Halvorson sent ATCA board members a copy of the HWA digital newsletter. After talking with Bob Lucas, President of ATCA, a meeting might be set up for February with HWA and ATCA.


Michael Sites moved to adjourn and Patricia Nemeth seconded.

Next meeting Feb. 26, 2015 at 7:00 P.M.


Respectfully submitted, Ellen L. Gordon Sec.

Summary of HWA Teleconference Minutes
December 18, 2014


The HWA Board met via teleconference on December 18, 2014 at 7:00 P.M. Present were President Chris Halvorson, (pro tem) Vice President Patricia Nemeth, Treasurer Michael Sites, Secretary Ellen Gordon, Ed Weiss, and Sherri Glass. Lawrence Alexander was absent. Mike Logsdon sat in as guest.


Secretary’s Report – Ellen Gordon

Minutes from the Nov. 20. 2014 meeting were discussed, and no corrections were needed. Ed Weiss moved to accept the Minutes. Patricia Nemeth seconded. Approved.

The official count of voting on the proposed amendment to the By-Laws concerning refusal/removal of a membership was 18 votes in favor of the amendment, and one vote against. The amended By-Laws are posted in the Members’ section of the web site.

The membership drive was started Dec. 15, 2014, and will go till end of Feb. 2015. It was suggested a membership committee be formed, and Ed Weiss moved that we do so. Chris Halvorson seconded. Approved. A committee chairman will be needed.


Treasurer’s Report – Michael Sites

Treasurer Michael Sites reported a starting balance in checking of $10,964.27, with receipts of $92.91 for current balance of $11,057.18. Ellen Gordon moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report, and Ed Weiss seconded. Approved.

Events Committee Report – Patricia Nemeth

Patricia Nemeth reported Bridget Bodine will be paid $150.00 per day for three days of workshops. New features at Fun in Field may be a bonfire gathering late afternoon or early evening. Brent LeMaster may be able to help as gunner.


The Events Committee suggests we have liability form on entry forms, such as the one on the AKC premium lists, They will look into revising the AKC format to suit HWA.

2015 is the 30th year for the Nationals, and the Committee discussed how to make it special. We will look at budget and make suggestions.


Fundraising – Chris Halvorson

Chris stated the on line store is closed. Lori Taylor reports that the vendor had sales of HWA 20 to 30 items sold. A more exact number will be followed by a check with our proceeds.


Education- Ed Weiss

Will introduce new topic under New Business

Breeders Committee-Sherri Glass Have eight breeders listed on our website’s Breeder Referral section..


Trophies- Sherri Glass and Patricia Nemeth

Nothing new to report


Publicity – Chris Halvorson

Andrea Shaw has updated web site by uploading the Nationals report, pictures, and the 2015membership form. We also have listed on Facebook the “I Also Served” bandannas that Michael Sites mentioned.


Old business-

Chris Halvorson to contact Bob Lucas about meeting of the committees to discuss trying to have the ATCA and HWA working together. Chris also sent out e-mail to Tom Meyer about questions and concerns of HWA becoming a licensed AKC club. No response yet.


New business-

A marketing committee has been suggested, and the idea was discussed. No decision.

New board starts Jan.1, 2015. Patricia Nemeth officially starts her first term as Vice President. Mike Logsdon starts as Board member. He will be eligible for another 2 year term.

Ed Weiss introduced a proposal about a program called “Gen 2,” where each year a dog is selected for its hunting abilities. Sperm to be collected and frozen, and people encouraged to breed to him to produce better hunting dogs. An additional idea is to discourage owners from having their Airedales spayed and neutered too quickly. Suggested that a committee be formed and the Board discuss this further.


Ellen Gordon moved to adjourn and Ed Weiss seconded.


Next meeting Jan. 22, 2015 at 7:00 P.M.


Respectfully submitted, Ellen L. Gordon Sec.

Summary of HWA Board Teleconference Minutes
November 20, 2014


The HWA Board held its teleconference Nov. 20, 2014 at 7:00 P.M. Present were Chris Halvorson, President; Patricia Nemeth, Vice-President; Treasurer Michael Sites; Secretary Ellen Gordon; and Board member Sherri Glass. Board members Ed Weiss and Lawrence Alexander were absent.


Secretary’s Report – Ellen Gordon
Minutes from the October 23, 2014 meeting were discussed. After a correction of the statement that the judges were not being paid for their gas, but rather it should be stated that the judges were asked if they’d like be reimbursed, but declined, Patricia Nemeth moved to accept the Minutes and Sherri Glass seconded. Minutes approved.

Voting will end on the proposed amendment concerning membership refusal/revoking on Dec.6, 2014. Michael Sites, on behalf of Secretary Ellen Gordon, will send out reminder on voting deadline. Suggestions on Mike Logsdon’s revisions to membership application will be added. HWA will start 2015 membership drive after voting on By-Laws is over.


Treasurer’s Report – Michael Sites Michael Sites, HWA treasurer, reported a starting balance of $11,084.27. This month’s receipts were $39.00, and expenses were $159.00, giving a current balance of $10,964.27. Ellen Gordon moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report, and Patricia Nemeth seconded. Report approved.

The complete 2014 Financial report should be available in Jan. 2015 to put on website’s Member Section. Currently the 2014 Nationals Income/Expense report has been posted.


Events Committee Report- Patricia Nemeth
Bridget Bodine is available to be hired as seminar presenter for the Nationals at a fee of $150.00 per day. Patricia Nemeth made a motion to hire her, and Chris Halvorson seconded. Motion passed.

Joyce Contolfalsky discovered a discrepancy in the HWA Hunt Test rules about how the shot guns were carried . The Events Committee recommended that HWA rules be changed to be like the AKC Upland Test rules in stating that in the Master Hunting Test and Senior water Test the handlers must carry empty shotguns. Handlers in Junior Hunt Test are not required to handle a gun at any time during any part of the testing. Handlers in Senior land Test are not required to handle a gun. Michael Sites stated AKC changed the rules April 23, 2013. The Board agreed that HWA Upland Test rules will be changed to follow our practices and AKC practices and rules on this.


Fundraising Report – Chris Halvorson
The HWA Online store is open until Nov. 24, 2014 for shopping.

Nan Hamilton's artwork, which had been suggested for a possible Limited Raffle Item for next Nationals, won't be available as she is semi retired. Corally Burmaster is checking about another items. Corally reports she may also be able to accept credit cards for the next Limited Raffle ticket sales, which should increase sales.


Education Report - Ed Weiss (absent)


Breeders Committee Report- Sherri Glass
Nothing new to report.


Trophy Report- Patricia Nemeth and Sherri Glass
Nothing new to report.


Publicity Report – Chris Halvorson
Andrea Shaw should be doing Nationals updates asap.


Old Business
An HWA committee for proposed discussions with the ATCA will consist of Chris Halvorson, George Gordon, Patricia Nemeth and Corally Burmaster. When the HWA website is updated with Nationals reports, Chris Halvorson will contact Bob Lucas, new ATCA President to discuss how and when to start on talks about working together.

HWA’s questions were emailed to Tom Meyer 11-3-2014 about concerns and responsibilities involved in becoming an AKC licensed club, and so far no response as yet.

Following up on the status of HWA incorporation that had inadvertently expired, the matter was resolved with filing of a reinstatement request with the Ohio Dept. of State. Patricia Nemeth will be the HWA agent listed with the Ohio Dept. of State.


New Business
Looking ahead to two years from start of the year, Chris pointed out that her last term as President will expire. Patricia Nemeth’s single two-year term as Vice-President will also expire at the same time, as decided in a Board motion last July. Chris Halvorson made a motion to rescind the motion and the vote made in July so that someone serving a one - year term (exactly half a term) is eligible for two two-year terms. This will be so that the President and Vice President’s offices will not expire at same time, as required by the ByLaws. Michael Sites seconded. Motion passed.

The Board discussed appointing a new Board member to fill Patricia Nemeth's vacated Board member-at-large spot as she takes on the Vice President position. This appointed Board position will be second half of the first one year term; with another two-year term option for whomever fills spot. After discussion, Mike Logsdon was appointed by a vote of three yes/one no.


Next Board teleconference meeting will be Dec. 18, 2014. at 7:00 P.M.


Respectfully submitted- Ellen L. Gordon Sec.

HWA Teleconference Board Minutes –
October 23, 2014


The teleconference HWA Board meeting was held Oct. 23, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. Present were President Chris Halvorson, Treasurer Michael Sites, Secretary Ellen Gordon, Patricia Nemeth, Sherri Glass, Lawrence Alexander and Ed Weiss.


Secretary’s Report – Ellen Gordon
Minutes from the Sept. 11, 2014 meeting were discussed. After correction that the National’s judges declined to be reimbursed for gas expenses, Lawrence Alexander moved to accept, and Patricia Nemeth seconded. Approved.

Minutes from the Annual General Meeting held on Sept. 12, 2014 at the Nationals were discussed and approved.


Treasurer’s Report – Michael Sites
Treasurer Michael Sites reported a starting balance on October 8, 2014 of $14,872.87. Receipts following the Nationals of $4241.00 and expenses of $8029.60 left a current balance of $11,084.27. Ed Weiss moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report, and Patricia Nemeth seconded. Approved.

Michael reported a refund of Nationals payment was sent to Katherine White due to family illness ($158.00). Credits for next year were approved for late cancellations from Elizabeth Morrill ($323.00), Rob Hogsette ($105.00), and Pam Koryak ($30.00). A late payment for a hunt test sponsorship ($25) from Holly Eveans will be carried over to next year.


Events Committee Report – Patricia Nemeth
Patricia Nemeth discussed the Nationals and summarized by saying all went well. She noted that next year we will have a better system to insure liability releases are signed by all attendees. For next year the Events Committee will remain the same, with the addition of Kate Ostrowski. Patricia Nemeth and Michael Sites were proposed and approved as 2015 Events Chairs, and Sherri Glass will handle the trophies. Dates are booked for 2015 Fun in Field for the second weekend in April, and the 2015 Nationals will be held the second week in Sept. at Holly Hills. Noted that there were several requests for finding a better way for the gallery to observe Hunt Tests at the Nationals. We have tentative agreements with retriever judges Leslie Phillips and Ed Zwodny for 2015.

Fundraising Report – Chris Halvorson

Corally Burmaster felt some sales for the Limited Raffle tickets were lost because we don't take credit cards. Lori Taylor sold $747.00 in merchandise, with the cost of product ordered $813.00. Lori will do a spreadsheet of the merchandise inventory, including the 16 collars and 2 lanyards that Ellen is holding.

Trophy Report – Patricia Nemeth
Engravings to add this year’s winners to the Joan Shea Gordon Memorial Trophy and the Road Dog trophy cost $75.00.


Old Business>
A committee of Chris Halvorson, Patricia Nemeth and George Gordon was appointed to meet with ATCA representatives to discuss how our clubs might work together. Corally Burmaster will also be asked to participate on this HWA committee. Among topics being considered: requesting that the ATCA recognize HWA as valid Airedale club that serves the breed; that the ATCA recognize the HWA versatile title program; that HWA and the ATCA work together to get the AKC to approve Fur Test recognition.

Discussion continued on whether HWA should pursue becoming an AKC-licensed club. We stated more information is needed on responsibilities involved with that decision. We discuss if HWA volunteers and attendees can we manage one AKC Upland Test, as well as our Nationals. Or should that the AKC Upland test replace Fun in the Field? Feelings were strong to keep Fun in the Field because it encourages newcomers. Discussion of barn hunts was tabled.


New business
Discussed the need for the Board to appoint a Marketing Committee and a Membership Committee.

Discussed the need to amend the HWA By-Laws to permit the Board to refuse/revoke a membership. Proposed amendment would be an additional clause to Article 1, section 4 on Termination of Membership. The proposed amendment would be: “The Board of Directors may, by a 2/3 vote of the Board, refuse or revoke an individual’s membership on grounds of unsportsmanlike conduct, including but not limited to verbal or physical abuse of a person, dog or property, and /or theft.” The membership will vote by e-mail, though regular mail will be used for those who indicated they wished to receive notices by mail. Michael Sites will send out a membership group e-mail on behalf of the Secretary. This vote will be completed prior to the start of the 2015 membership drive.

Steps are being taken to renew HWA incorporation status. Patricia Nemeth will probably sign on as HWA new statutory agent.


Next teleconference will be Nov. 20, 2014 at 7:00 P.M.


Ellen Gordon moved to adjourn and Michael Sites seconded.


Respectfully submitted, Ellen L. Gordon, sec.

Summary of the General Membership Annual Meeting Minutes
September 12, 2014


The General Meeting of HWA was called to order at 7:00 Friday, Sept.12, 2014 at the Quality Inn by President Chris Halvorson. Board members also present were Treasurer Michael Sites, Secretary Ellen Gordon and Board members Sherri Glass, Patricia Nemeth, Ed Weiss, and Lawrence Alexander.


Secretary’s Report - Ellen Gordon
All members and friends were welcomed. Summary of years events were read. It was noted that HWA has 81 members compared to 79 last year.


Election- According to the By-Laws, Article IV section 4, since no other nominations were received within the allotted time frame the Secretary will cast one ballot for the slate presented by the Nominating Committee. That slate is for two year terms- Pres. Chris Halvorson, V.P. Patricia Nemeth, treasurer Michael Sites, Board members Ed Weiss, Lawrence Alexander. Sherri Glass and Secretary Ellen Gordon have terms expiring in 2015 and go off as officers.

An emergency Board meeting was held Sept. 8, 2014 for removal of Tom McPeek as Vice President. In accordance with Roberts Rules of Order guidelines, reasons for the termination will not be published.


Treasurer’s Report – Michael Sites
Treasurer Michael Sites reported expenses of $4629.55 and income of $19,631.63 for a balance of $15,002.38. Some expenses are yet to be paid.


Events Committee Report – Patricia Nemeth
Patricia noted that we have a smaller turnout this year, but weekend going well.


Fundraising Report-
Corally Burmaster noted she and Pat Reed will have baskets to raffle at the Banquet, as well as the silent auction items. Sales of raffle tickets this slower this year, but she doesn't have didn’t have credit card capability, so that may have been a factor.
Lori Taylor reported that she has sale items at clubhouse, including some new items. This year Lori managed two online sales sessions of HWA logo merchandise.


Education-Ed Weiss
This year HWA has puppy brochures for breeders to include in their packets of info for each pup in the litter. Other ideas include having a hot line to handle Airedale inquiries. Ed mentioned he enjoys talking to those who call to ask about hunting Airedales. He often refers them to the HWA website, as it holds much useful information.

Breeders Referral- Sherri Glass
Sherri reported on this year’s new listing system in the breeders’ referral section of the website. The new system has a 1-2-3 star rating to indicate a breeders’ involvement with HWA. A breeder must be an HWA member to be on the website’s Breeder Referral list.


Publicity- Chris Halvorson
Andrea Shaw is our webmaster. The website features events, pictures, and test news and club details. In addition, Mike Logsdon maintains for HWA a section that has recently renamed the “Club Topics/Members” section. This section has topical news and more detailed info for members such as a roster and meeting summaries.


Other business
Michael Sites and Kira were recognized for earning their Senior Hunter Versatile title this May by passing the ATCA Senior Fur test the Randall Cooley test in Wisconsin.

Lawrence Alexander called Kate Ostrowski to award her First Place ribbon in the Junior Fur Test. Kate and her dog Filson also were awarded the Priscilla Cree Award.

Chris Halvorson pointed out that the HWA Nationals goal is to have constant growth and improvement. Future plans may include committees for membership and marketing.

There have been encouraging talks between ATCA and HWA to work together to have the AKC recognize the ATCA’s parent club Fur Tests. April Clyde, present ATCA president, will join us at our Nationals on Saturday and Sunday.


New business-
Chris Halvorson mentioned there are some general questions open for discussion by the membership: Should HWA apply to become an AKC-licensed club? Should HWA think about having a Barn Hunt? What should be the dates of next year’s events?

Chris announced that the HWA Board had agreed that this years Nationals are to be dedicated to Isaac White, who could not be here this year as he is fighting bone cancer. Members are urged to send him cards and keep him in thoughts and prayers.

Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted Ellen Gordon, Sec.

Summary of HWA Board Meeting Minutes
September 11, 2014


The HWA Board met Sept. 11, 2014 in the Board Room at the Quality Inn at Chillicothe. Present were President Chris Halvorson, Treasurer Michael Sites, Secretary Ellen Gordon, Sherri Glass, Ed Weiss, Lawrence Alexander, and Patricia Nemeth.


Secretary’s Report – Ellen Gordon
The Minutes of the Aug. 28, 2014 Board meeting were discussed, and Sherri Glass moved to accept, and Patricia Nemeth seconded. Approved.

Elections- Since there were no additional nominations from the membership within the allotted time frame, the Secretary will cast one ballot at the General Meeting for the slate of officers for 2015 selected by the Nominating Committee.


Treasurer’s Report – Michael Sites
Treasurer Michael Sites reported expenses of $4629.55 and income of $19631.93, for a balance of $15002.38. Ed Weiss moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report, and Ellen Gordon seconded. Approved. The Board approved payment for Andrea Shaw for website work. Additional payments approved included glassware and ribbons for Nationals.

Questions about refunds for no-shows were discussed, and it was decided to give credit towards next year’s events entered at Nationals instead of returning fees paid. The fees for the White family will be returned in full due to Isaac White’s bone cancer diagnosis and treatment.


Events Committee Report – Patricia Nemeth
Glassware sets are prepared for judges’ gifts. One judge may have to be replaced due to his wife’s surgery. Joyce Contofalsky will be trophy chair.

Elise Sites making arrangements for sweets to go with coffee at clubhouse. Michael Sites made payment to Marsha Hatfield which will include comped lunches, 12 at 8.00 each. 52 dinners ordered. The Hospitality Committee consisting of the Contofalskys and George Gordon will take judges to dinner Friday.

Joyce Contofalsky and Patricia to be Masters of Ceremony at the Banquet. Lawrence Alexander to give invocation, Ed Weiss will present certificates for hunting instinct qualifiers, and Corally Burmaster and Pat Reed will do auction and basket raffle.


Fundraising Report - Chris
Corally Burmaster still has some tickets for the soft sculpture Airedale family. Lori Taylor has items ready for sale, and has purchased more mannequins at her expense to display merchandise.


Trophies all set, will have display cards noting what each represents. Chris Halvorson will also print certificates for First Time participants.


Publicity all in good shape. Mike Logsdon has done good job on the renamed “Club Topics/Members” site.


New Business
April Clyde, present ATCA president, will be coming for Saturday and Sunday. Board members are encouraged to meet and converse with her.


We need to decide dates for 2015 Fun in Field and Nationals.


Patricia Nemeth moved to adjourn, and Lawrence Alexander seconded.

Respectfully submitted, Ellen Gordon, Sec.

Summary of HWA Board Teleconference Meeting
September. 8, 2014


An emergency meeting of the HWA Board was called to order at 7:00 P.M. Sept. 8, 2014. Present were Pres. Chris Halvorson, V.P. Tom McPeek, Treasurer Michael Sites, Sec. Ellen Gordon, board Lawrence Alexander, Patricia Nemeth, Sherri Glass, and Ed Weiss.

The agenda was to address Article 3, section 4 of the By-Laws on the removal of a Board Member.

Chris Halvorson read Article III, Section 4 of the HWA ByLaws.


Patricia Nemeth made a motion that Tom McPeek be removed from the Board. Chris Halvorson seconded. Discussion followed.


Vote for Tom McPeek’s removal from Board was called for- Chris Halvorson, yes; Ed Weiss, abstain; Lawrence Alexander, yes; Ellen Gordon, yes; Michael Sites, yes; Patricia Nemeth, yes; and Sherri Glass, yes. Motion passed for removal.


Meeting adjourned temporarily.


The HWA board meeting resumed later in the evening of Sept. 8, 2014. Present: Pres. Chris Halvorson, Treasurer Michael Sites, Sec. Ellen Gordon, Board members Patricia Nemeth, Lawrence Alexander, Sherri Glass and Ed Weiss. Discussion involved how to proceed with plans for the Nationals.


The next meeting Sept.11, 2014 at 5:00 P.M. at the Quality Inn.

Ellen L. Gordon Sec.


Summary of HWA Board Teleconference Meeting
August 28, 2014


The HWA Board held it's monthly teleconference Aug. 28, 2014 at 7:00 P.M. Present: Pres. Chris Halvorson, V.P. Tom McPeek, Treasurer Michael Sites, Sec. Ellen Gordon, Lawrence Alexander, Ed Weiss, Sherri Glass and Patricia Nemeth.


Secretary’s Report – Ellen Gordon
The July 24, 2014 Board Minutes were reviewed, and one correction was noted: Ed Weiss made a clarification that no person shall judge at the Nationals any dog he has trained or handled. With that correction, Tom McPeek moved to approve the Minutes, and Sherri Glass seconded. Approved.

Secretary Ellen Gordon received a Board position nomination for John Bell sent by Tom McPeek. This nomination came in after the deadline for nominations.


Michael Sites clarified that the notification of the slate had been sent out to the members by July 28, 2014 by himself (Michael Sites) because he has all members’ emails as a group on his computer, and he could send out information to all at once. This information is not on Secretary's computer, so this action was done to assist her. Tom McPeek stated it was not proper notification.


After discussion Chris Halvorson made a motion that the notification sent out by Michael Sites on July 28,2014 for the Secretary be accepted. Vote- Chris Halvorson yes; Ellen Gordon yes; Michael Sites yes; Tom McPeek no; Patricia Nemeth yes; Sherri Glass yes; Lawrence Alexander yes; Ed Weiss yes. Motion passed.

Secretary to have yearly report for General Meeting on Sept. 12. Secretary will also cast one ballot for the slate of officers as presented by the Nominating Committee. Secretary to also write notes thanking sponsors and donors.


Treasurer’s Report - Michael Sites
The Treasurer reported a starting balance $10,639.01 in the HWA checking account, with receipts of $4,634.86. Expenses of $386.00 left an ending balance of $14,862.87. The Treasurer will have a year-to-date financial report at the Annual Meeting. Ellen Gordon moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report, and Ed Weiss seconded. Approved.

Events Committee Report- Patricia Nemeth, co-chair
For Nationals entries, we have 28 dogs entered: 7 in Upland Test, 3 in Retriever Test, 9 in Fur Test, 6 in workshop, and 7 in Hunting Instinct Test


For the Nationals, late entries can be taken, but be paid in cash or check. We hope to encourage more people to enter the Jr Retriever test.


[Tom McPeek left meeting]

Tom Meyer, AKC Field Rep for Field Events, is encouraging HWA to become an AKC licensed club.


Joyce Contofalsky did some research on Barn Hunts. Chris stated we could ask members if there is interest in an HWA-sponsored Barn Hunt.


Chris Halvorson will talk informally with April Clyde (current ATCA Pres.) about how ATCA and HWA can work together on events.

Headquarters hotel reports our block of 20 rooms is booked. We are tentatively booked for same weekend next year.


Fundraising Report
Chris will check on the possibly of purchasing a Nan Hamilton pottery item for next years Limited Raffle. Corally Burmaster has sold 50 tickets for this year’s Limited Raffle so far. Lori Taylor has purchased oval car magnets with club logo.


Trophies- chair Tom McPeek
Tom McPeek not present for this part of the discussion We will want trophies displayed at clubhouse at Holly Hill. Chris Halvorson will make display cards with descriptions of each trophy. Patricia Nemeth could pick up the trophies if Tom McPeek is not coming to the Nationals. Ed Weiss will call Tom McPeek and see what his plans are. Lawrence Alexander will have the Brown Bess and Priscilla Cree trophies there.


Publicity Report –Chris
Website- Change of name from “Members Section” to “Club Topics/Members” will be after the nationals. Andrea Shaw will update website and remove pre-Nationals promos.


Breeders Committee- Sherri Glass
Sherri noted there was not as good of a response as she would like from breeders wishing to be listed in our website’s Breeder Referral section. Michael Sites received inquiry from Mr. and Mrs. Drijber about the Breeders Listing. Were previous members, and sent payment of dues for 2014 and 2015. They were approved to be listed.

Education Committee – Ed Weiss
Ed Weiss had had calls from a couple of people, and sent them to website. Ed is willing to be our resource to talk to anyone about working Airedales.


Old business-
Nothing further from Carol Wallace about the proposal of her friend selling concrete Airedale statues at the Nationals.


New business-


Next meeting
Sept.11, 2014 at hotel. 5:00 P.M.

Next teleconference Oct. 24, 2104.


Patricia Nemeth moved to adjourn, and Lawrence Alexander seconded.

Respectfully submitted, Ellen L. Gordon, sec.


Summary of HWA Teleconference Board Meeting Minutes
July 24, 2014


The HWA Board Meeting teleconference was held July 24, 2014 at 7:00 P.M. Present were Pres. Chris Halvorson, Vice Pres. Tom McPeek, Treasurer Michael Sites, Sec. Ellen Gordon and Board members Patricia Nemeth, Ed Weiss, and Lawrence Alexander. Sherri Glass was absent.


Secretary's report- Ellen Gordon

One correction was made for the June 19, 2014 minutes, and that was that the newsletter was emailed out, but not yet on the website. Lawrence Alexander moved to approve, and Patricia Nemeth seconded. Approved.

Michael Sites read off the Nominating Committee’s slate of officers for the election- Pres. Chris Halvorson, second 2 year term; V.P. Patricia Nemeth, first 2 Year Term; Board- Lawrence Alexander, second 2 year term, and Ed Weiss second 2 year term. The question then came up what if a person only serves a half term [in one Board position], may that person serve one or two additional successive terms in another Board position? Chris Halvorson made motion that upon fulfilling a vacated that term the person is eligible for one more full term. Ed Weiss seconded, and the motion passed.

There are 79 HWA members.


Treasurer’s Report –Michael Sites

Treasurer Michael Sites reported a starting balance of $10,692.53 in checking with receipts of $764.00, expenses of $817.52, for an ending balance of $10,639.01. Ellen Gordon moved to accept, and Ed Weiss seconded. Approved.

Events’ Committee Report – Patricia Nemeth

The Retriever Test Judges will be coming in on Friday of the Nationals weekend in order to set up their test course. The Premium List is out, and some sent to members who do not have e-mail. Judges’ gifts will be glassware. Four rooms at the Quality Inn are reserved for judges, and we have received a donation to help cover the cost of judges’ accomodations. The Board discussed the walkie talkies that were lost in the mail, and Lawrence Alexander graciously offered to pay for new ones. Patricia Nemeth to purchase.

We will have sign-ups for new members in the main building. Michael Sites will keep track, and when dues time comes notify them they are paid for 2015 so that they don’t pay twice. Tom Halvorson, Barb Tulanko and Ellen Gordon can assist with the sign ups

Score sheet revisions for the Retriever Tests were discussed, and Chris Halvorson made motion that all three score sheets (Upland, Fur and Retriever Tests) be approved. and Patricia Nemeth seconded. Passed.

Tom McPeek made a motion that a professional dog trainer shall not judge any dog that he has trained or handled at the Nationals. Passed.

Chris Halvorson was contacted about someone wanting to sell concrete Airedale statues. This has had no follow-up from proposed seller. Tabled.

Trophy Committee – Tom McPeek

Tom McPeek was working on designing and purchasing the Gunners’ Choice Trophy. Tom reported we can purchase one to see if we like it. Will do that.

Lawrence Alexander asked about how many Brown Bess and Priscilla Cree awards Tom has in inventory. Tom McPeek says he doesn't have anymore Priscilla Cree trophies, but does have the Brown Bess.


Publicity Committee – Chris Halvorson

Mike Logsdon suggested we call the Members Section of the HWA website “Club Topics.” Andrea Shaw aiming to have all judges’ bios and the Nationals premium list on main website. She will remove material on last spring’s Fun in the Field weekend.


Chris Halvorson asked Ellen Gordon if ATCNO would pass out the HWA puppy brochures at Canfield. Will do.

Breeders committee- Sherri Glass absent

Education Committee - Ed Weiss-

Ed stated the value of personal responses to inquiries. Ed is willing to talk to anyone about working dogs etc.

Old business-

Brent LeMaster’s Spaniel club’s seminar for judges and upland handlers is coming up, and four HWA members will attend.


No other old business.


New business


Next meeting August 28,2014 at 7:00 P.M.

Respectfully submitted by Ellen Gordon, Secretary


Summary of HWA Teleconference Board Meeting Minutes
June 19, 2014


The HWA Board met on June 19,2014 at 7:00 pm. for a teleconference monthly Board Meeting. Present were Pres. Chris Halvorson, V.P Tom McPeek, Treas. Michael Sites, Sec. Ellen Gordon, Board members Ed Weiss and Patricia Nemeth. Sherri Glass and Lawrence Alexander were absent.


Secretary’s Report: Minutes from the May 22, 2014 were read, and Michael Sites moved to approve and Tom McPeek seconded.


Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Michael Sites reported a starting balance of $10,850.33, with receipts of $580.00 and expenses of $732.80, leaving an ending balance of $10,692.53. We received an invoice for liability insurance and Michael will send payment. Ellen Gordon moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report, and Patricia Nemeth seconded.


Events’ Committee Report: Patricia Nemeth reported that we have judges’ biographies; plans to have picnic tables at pond at Holly Hills; and we have a donor for commemorative t-shirts for entrants. The Board discussed signing up new members at event, but discussion was tabled.

The Board discussed proposed revisions of HWA Hunt Test score sheets. Patricia Nemeth moved to accept proposed revisions, and Ed Weiss seconded. Vote taken, and motion failed. Ed Weiss made a new motion that we use proposed revisions as a draft for Retriever Test’s new proposed score sheet. Chris Halvorson seconded, vote taken, and it was passed.


Fundraising: Lori Taylor has camo hats in the works.


Trophy Report: Tom McPeek sent the Board a prototype for the Gunners’ Trophy that would include the club logo and not be dated. If we order 6, we get discount price. Tom McPeek to order one to see how it turns out, and then he’ll see if we can get the discount for six.


Publicity: Chris reported that Mike Logsdon doing good job on members section of the website. He added the puppy brochure and posted links to the video Can Airedales Hunt? Facebook site up to 730 likes.

Breeders’ Committee: No report


Education Committee: Ed Weiss reported received an e-mail inquiries on hunting hogs.


Old Business:

Nominating committee- Michael Sites noted the slate has to be announced 45 days prior to the annual meeting, so that announcement has to be made by July 29,2014 to the Board at July Meeting.

Brent LeMaster’s ESS club’s AKC handlers/judges seminar information is posted on our HWA website in the Members’ Section.


Next meeting July 24, 2014 at 7:00 P.M.


Adjourn- Ed Weiss and Second Chris Halvorson

Respectfully submitted, Ellen Gordon, Sec.

Summary of HWA Board Teleconference Minutes
May 22, 2014


The HWA Board held its teleconference on May 22, 2014 at 7:00 P.M. Present were Pres. Chris Halvorson, V.P. Tom McPeek, Treasurer Michael Sites, Sec. Ellen Gordon and Board members Lawrence Alexander, Sherri Glass, and Patricia Nemeth. Ed Weiss was absent.


Secretary’s Report - Ellen Gordon
After discussing some minor corrections, the Minutes of the April 24, 2014 Board meeting were amended with corrections. Sherri Glass moved to accept them, and Lawrence Alexander seconded.


Treasurer’s Report – Michael Sites
Treasurer Michael Sites reported a beginning balance of $10,409.67, with receipts of $540.00, and expenditures of $99.34, which left an ending balance of $10,850.00. Ellen Gordon made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s report, and Sherri Glass seconded.

Expenses needing Board approval were invoices of $340.00 from Andrea Shaw for website, on which Chris Halvorson made motion to pay, and Ellen Gordon seconded; Directors and Officers liability insurance of $388.00, on whichTom McPeek made a motion to pay, and Patricia Nemeth seconded; and liability insurance for club of $506.02 from Hartford (invoice not yet received).

Event’s Committee Report – Patricia Nemeth
Fees for Nationals were discussed, and Chris Halvorson felt we should keep the same as last year and again ask for sponsorships to defray the costs of tests and seminars.

HWA has contracts with Dean Hatfield and Ed Zawodny, and we have to follow up with Leslie Phillips. Chris Halvorson to contract with Quality Inn banquet center. Contracts are still needed for Brent LeMaster and John Dudash.

Another roll cage and Cronks scent are needed for the raccoon test. Patricia Nemeth will purchase roll cage and donate to club.


Fundraising Report – sent in from Corally Burmaster
Corally Burmaster has a soft sculpture set of a family of Airedales for the Limited Raffle. These items were in our inventory, so no purchase was necessary. Corally will start sales Aug. 1st. Tickets will be sold for $10.00each, with 100 being sold.


Trophy Report- Tom McPeek
Tom McPeek has enough ribbons on hand for this year’s Nationals. Tom is working on the design of the Gunners’ Trophy, size to be either 5x7” or 8x10,” with the club logo or Airedale headstudy design. Tom proposed we name it the Airedale National’s Gunners’ Trophy, to be given to the dog the gunners would most like to hunt over.


Publicity Report – Chris Halvorson
All is up to date on the website.


Breeders’ Committee- Sherri Glass
Sherri reported 7 breeders paid the their dues and sent in bios that will be on website.


Old Business
-- Twenty thank-you cards were sent out to members who donated money to the sustaining and training funds.


-- Nominating committee
The Nominating Committee of Michael Sites, Michael Logsdon and Pat Reed have had two teleconferences.


New Business
Chris reported on the ATCA’s Cooley Memorial Hunt Test weekend on May 16-18. 30 dogs entered, including 12 Airedales (with 3 absent).


Next meeting June 19, 2014 at 7:00 P.M.

Respectfully submitted, Ellen Gordon, Sec.

Summary of HWA Teleconference Board Meeting Minutes
April 24, 2014


The HWA Board meeting conference was held April 24, 2014 at 7:00 P.M. Present were Pres. Chris Halvorson, V.P. Tom McPeek, Treasurer Michael Sites, Sec. Ellen Gordon and board members Sherri Glass, Ed Weiss and Patricia Nemeth. Lawrence Alexander was absent.


Secretary’s report: The minutes from March 27, 2014 Board meeting were addressed, and after corrections which included noting that the first aid kit was purchased with the balance of a $250 gift card which was given to HWA by ORVATC in 2013. Patricia Nemeth moved to accept with corrections, and Sherri Glass seconded.

Membership is down, have 54 compared to 79 last year. Chris Halvorson to send out reminders.


Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Michael Sites reported the checkbook balance ending in March of $12,287.87. April expenses included $ 213.96 for reprints of puppy packet brochure; $1,570.00 for Fun in the Field; $13.00 for batteries; $109.92 for Old Canal Smokehouse. Income for April included $296.00 for dues, plus cash, and donations. Current balance is $10,429.67. Ed Weiss moved to accept report, and Patricia Nemeth seconded.

Treasurer must file an E-card tax statement by May 15, 2014, and that has been done.
Thank You cards will be sent out to members who donated extra money to the training and sustaining funds. Chris Halvorson is ordering cards with club logo.


Events Committee Report:Committee chair Patricia Nemeth reported good feedback from Fun in The Field. People enjoyed the weekend.

HWA Hunt Test score sheet revisions being worked on by Joyce Contolfalsky; the Board
will review. Chris Halvorson will email out contracts to Dean Hatfield and judges.

We’re pleased to have a sponsor for the hospitality night for the Nationals, namely, Kate and Joe Ostrowski.


Fundraising Report: Lori Taylor will have new hats and other merchandise at Nationals. Corally Burmaster is planning a collectable family of soft-sculpture Airedales made by Joanne Vohs to be the Limited Raffle item at the Nationals. She will start to sell tickets in August.


Trophy Report: Tom McPeek to have prototype made for a Gunners’ Trophy. HWA will design and order, and have a different sponsor will be sought each year to pay for that year’s trophy. The sponsor will be acknowledged and thanked in the catalog.


Publicity Report: Andrea Shaw is up to date on website. Revised Breeders’ Referral list to go on website in May.


Breeders’ Committee: Chris emailed revised guidelines for the website’s breeders referral listing. Small response back. Sherri Glass again volunteered to contact those who were previously on the listing.


Education: Patricia Nemeth noted the need for someone to be in clubhouse to answer questions for people asking for assistance at our events. Barb Tulanko and Ellen Gordon are usually there, and maybe some signage could help.


Old business: Proposed Nominating Committee to consist of Michael Sites, Mike Logsdon, and Joyce Contolfalsky. Michael Sites to ask if they will serve. Sherri Glass and Ellen Gordon have one more year to serve till end of 2015. Michael Sites, Patricia Nemeth can opt for 2 more years in 2016, and Chris Halvorson, Tom McPeek, Ed Weiss, and Lawrence are eligible for 2 more years starting in 2015. They will be contacted, and if they opt to stay then we may not need a nominating committee, but it will stay in place in case someone else petitions for a spot.


New business: None.


Next meeting May 22, 2014 at 7:00 P.M.


Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted Ellen Gordon, Sec.


Summary of HWA Board Teleconference Minutes
March 27th, 2014


The HWA Board teleconference was held March 27, 2014 at 7:00 P.M. Present were Chris Halvorson, Pres; Treasurer Michael Sites; Ellen Gordon, Sec.; and Board members Sherri Glass, Lawrence Alexander, and Patricia Nemeth. Absent: Ed Weiss and Tom McPeek.


Secretary’s Report – Ellen Gordon
The minutes from the Feb. 20, 2014 meeting were discussed. There were no corrections or additions. Patricia Nemeth a made motion to accept the Minutes, and Lawrence Alexander seconded. Approved.


Treasurer’s Report – Michael Sites
Treasurer Michael Sites reported a balance of $12,287.87.

Anticipated expenses for Fun in the Field are tips for bird boys, lunches for gunners (if not HWA members), and gratuity for the preserve owner.

To date there are 15 single memberships and 14 family memberships.

Concerning the Breeders’ Listing on the website it was noted not all are current HWA members. Chris Halvorson made motion that Sherri Glass contact those on Breeders List to request they re-new their memberships. Patricia Nemeth seconded. Approved.


Events Committee Report – Patricia Nemeth
There are currently 19 dogs and 33 people signed up for Fun in the Field.

Blinds have been donated by Dale Burrier, and Ellen Gordon will bring the blinds to the event.Carrie LaCombe has walkie-talkies, and she will return them by mail. No response from Jerry Siebert on items he wished to donate.

The HWA banner has been ordered at a cost $45.00.

Patricia Nemeth has items donated from Purina to sponsor our event. Items include treats, dog food, bowls, towels etc. for participants.

Balance on the $250 gift certificate donated last year by ORVATC was used to purchase dog first aid kit for our events.


Fundraising Report
Lori Taylor sent a report on the HWA online store. HWA has received a check from vendor for $131.00 from the last sale session, which sold around 30 items. Lori Taylor requested money to purchase an inventory of hats etc. for the Nationals. Sherri Glass made motion that we allow her to spend up to $500.00 for merchandise. Patricia Nemeth seconded. Approved.


Trophy Report- Tom McPeek
Trophies that HWA is not offering at this time were returned to Gilberts and Dorothy Miner.

Brent LeMaster has offered to donate a Gunners’ Trophy, discussion followed on what would be the best way to handle other suggestions on this trophy. Patricia Nemeth to talk with Brent LeMaster, and discussion will continue on this.


Publicity – Chris Halvorson
Reported that Andrea Shaw has all up-dated all needed items on the website.


Breeders’ Committee – Sherri Glass
Chris emailed revised guidelines for website’s Breeders Referral Listing page to 75 breeders Feb. 16, 2014. Seven people responded. Sherri Glass to contact those currently listed about renewing their membership and listing.


500 additional puppy brochures were ordered. We’ll have them at events to pass out.


Old Business
– Chris noted that next month’s agenda will include appointing a Nominating Committee. If all current Board members wish to remain to finish full term limits, the Nominating Committee may not be needed to name new candidates, but nominations from the membership could come in for consideration for a position.


New business
- Nothing to record.


Next meeting
April 24, 2014 at 7:00

Pat Nemeth moved to adjourn and Sherri Glass seconded.


Respectfully submitted- Ellen Gordon, Sec.


Summary of HWA Board Teleconference Minutes
February 20, 2014


The teleconference Board Meeting of the HWA Board was held on Feb.20, 2014 at 7:00 pm. Present were Pres. Chris Halvorson, V.P. Tom McPeek, Sec. Ellen Gordon, Board members Sherri Glass and Patricia Nemeth. Absent: Michael Sites Treas., Ed Weiss, and Lawrence Alexander.


Secretary’s Report
Minutes from the Jan. 23, 2014 meeting were discussed. After the addition of the wording in the HWA Hunt Test rules revision of that any dog that attacks another dog or person during an event will be disqualified, Sherri Glass moved to accept the minutes, and Patricia Nemeth seconded. Approved.


Treasurer’s Report
An emailed report from Treasurer Michael Sites stated receipts of $338.25 for dues; donations of $274.85 (sustaining funds); training $24.85; Fun in Field (advanced entries) $376.00. Expenses of $145.79 for puppy brochures were reported. Balance in checking as of 2-18-14 was $10,221. 04. Patricia Nemeth moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report, and Sherri Glass seconded. Approved.


Event’s Committee Report
Detailed plans for the Events Committee activity were included in an Events Committee report of the Feb. 20, 2014 meeting was included in the emailing of the Board meeting agenda. Discussion followed with Board on topics including:- Who will help for Fun in the Field?; review of an HWA equipment inventory listing; recovery or purchase of HWA walkie- talkies; and possible purchase of HWA banner. Chris will look into cost of banner. HWA Hunt Test Rules, now with the minor revisons approved in January, 2014, are posted on the HWA website. Members may note the details of this action in the summary of Jan. 23, 2014 Board Minutes, which is posted in the members’ section of the HWA website.


HWA Equipment inventory-

2 camo blinds

1roll cage Ammo blanks

Counting clicker for Barkation

6 three hole binders

2 clipboards

2 winger

4 walkie talkies


Fundraising Report
The HWA online store opened Feb.7, 2014, and it will close its spring session on Feb. 24, 2014. We have not received accounting for Nov. sales from vendor, but this will be looked into. Some noted trouble getting on the shopping site, but no major problems.


Trophy Report
Tom McPeek reported the Gilbert trophies to be picked up on Friday, Feb. 21. Chris sent letters confirming the transfer of the trophies due to HWA’s desire to return them to their original donors were sent to Dorothy Miner and Steve Gilbert.


Publicity Report
Andrea Shaw has all updates posted on HWa website, as well as plus 2014 membership forms and Fun in the Field reservation forms


Breeders’ Committee Report
Revised guidelines for a breeder to be listed on the HWA website’s Breeder Referral section were we email on Feb. 16, 2014 to approx. 75 Airedale breeders. Only response so far was from Sherri Glass and Nancy Secrist.


Education Report
Chris sent out 479 of the 500 printed puppy brochures to Airedale breeders and clubs that requested them. Chris will look into reordering more copies.


Old Business:
The Tom Meyer Judges and Handlers seminar in February in Virginia was canceled (weather).


New Business:
The Board discussed a request from Laura Post on whether HWA would promote a collection of DNA for a genetics database with the idea of mapping performance genetics. The Board declined to participate at this time. Chris Halvorson to respond to Laura.

Next meeting March 27, 2014 at 7:00.
Tom McPeek moved to adjourn and Ellen Gordon seconded.

Respectfully submitted- Ellen Gordon, Sec


Summary of HWA Teleconference Board Minutes,
January 23, 2014


The HWA Board met Jan. 23, 2014 at 7:00 P.M.. Present were Pres. Chris Halvorson, V.P. Tom McPeek, Treasurer Michael Sites, Sec. Ellen Gordon, Ed Weiss, Sherri Glass, Lawrence Alexander and Patricia Nemeth.


Secretary’s Report
Minutes from the Dec. 19, 2013 meeting were discussed. Ed Weiss moved to accept, and Sherri Glass seconded. Approved.


Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer Michael Sites reported he opened a new HWA checking account, and the past Treasurer Corally Burmaster transferred the balance in from the old account. Current balance is $9352. 87. Ellen Gordon moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report, and Lawrence Alexander seconded. Accepted.


Chris Halvorson to be a second signature holder on the account so that HWA checks can be written in the absence of the Treasurer. The 2013 Financial Report is now posted on the members section of the website.


Events Committee Report
The Events Committee met via teleconference on Jan. 15, 2014. Fun in the Field is planned for April 5-6, 2014. Room block available at Quality Inn in Chillicothe, OH with reservations in the block guaranteed to March 4, 2014. Some “bunkhouse” rooms available at Holly Hills, to be reserved through the Hatfields. Michael Sites to accept the entries for Fun in the Field. Chris Halvorson will e-mail the entry forms by 2-15-2014. The entry form will suggest using live birds at cost of 22.00 each for pheasants. Participants coming for fur tracking, coon working, or using dead birds for training will have a participation fee of $30.00 per day. “Donation” cost for lunches to be paid in advance @ $8.00 each per day.


Regional events discussion continued discussion of defining “regional events” as events held outside of Ohio. Tom McPeek questioned this in our December meeting, and noted a vote was taken at the November stating “regional events” meant events other than the Nationals, even if held in Ohio. A subsequent review of the recording of the November meeting indicated no motion or vote to that effect was taken. Chris Halvorson made motion that regional events be defined as events held outside the state of Ohio. Ed Weiss seconded. Vote taken for motion- Yes- Chris Halvorson, Sherri Glass, Ed Weiss, Michael Sites, Patricia Nemeth; abstain- Ellen Gordon, Lawrence Alexander; No- Tom McPeek. Motion passed.


Nationals planning- Patricia Nemeth negotiated a special menu for a Hospitality evening at the Christopher Conference Center for approximately 50 people at cost of 10.00 per person, plus 30.00 for cash bar. Chris Halvorson moved we use the Center for Hospitality, and Lawrence Alexander seconded. Passed. Judges for the Nationals suggested so far are Brent LeMaster for Upland tests and workshops, retriever judges still under consideration, possibly Leslie Phillips and Mitch White.


Rules Committee Report
The HWA Rules committee made these recommendations for additions to the current HWA Rules:


In section of General instructions of HWA Hunt Test Rules, insert on page 3, insert a new paragraph saying: “Score sheets from all tests may be reviewed by handlers after the tests. Score sheets are the property of HWA, Inc. and shall be turned over to the Event Secretary after the tests. The Event Secretary shall archive the paper score sheets for at least two years after the test.” Tom McPeek moved to accept this rule addition, a second was made, and motion passed. 

  • In the HWA Retriever Hunt Test Rules, page 13, insert the following sentence at the end of the paragraph 9: “ In water retrieves, bank running shall be considered a fault and penalized according to the judges’ discretion.” Partricia Nemeth moved to accept the addition, and Ed Weiss seconded, and the motion passed.


The Rules Committee also recommended that future Hunt Tests should have an Event Committee observer on hand with rule book to monitor judges and remind them of the HWA rules, if needed.


Fundraising Committee Report
Lori Taylor reported that 25 items were sold through the HWA on-line store in its first session. HWA made $131.00 profit on the sales. The online store will open again Feb. 10 to 24.

Trophy Report
Tom McPeek will call the Gilberts and see about taking them or them coming to pick up the trophies that Gilberts had donated and which HWA is no longer offering.


Publicity Report Publicity
- Andrea Shaw has posted all requested updates on the website.


Breeders’ Committee
The Breeders Committee suggested revised rules for a breeder to be listed in the HWA website’s Breeder Referral section: Listings will have heading at top of page with key to * on a breeder’s name. * A HWA member and Airedale breeder; ** Dogs of that breeder have participated in HWA events; *** Dogs of that breeder have completed HWA titles. Stew Tardif made motion to accept the committee’s recommendation; Ed Weiss seconded the motion, and the motion passed.


Education Report
Chris Halvorson is halfway done with brochures to be offered to breeders to insert in puppy packets.


Old Business
Ron Swisher’s proposal for an AKC hunt test with spaniel club will not go further for lack of sufficient interest from the spaniel club


New Business
A handlers/judges seminar was announced, to be held in Virginia on Feb. 15. This seminar is being conducted by Tom Meyer, AKC rep. Tom McPeek will attend. Since many other HWA member can't attend, Brent LeMaster has offered to contact Tom Meyer and see if Meyer could come to Ohio to hold a similar event. .

A time table for the upcoming HWA was printed on agenda to keep HWA on schedule for this year.


The next HWA teleconference meeting Feb. 20, 2014.

Respectfully submitted Ellen Gordon, Sec.

Summary of Minutes of the HWA Board Teleconference,
December 19, 2013


The HWA Board met Dec. 19, 2013 at 7:00 P.M. Present were Chris Halvorson, Tom McPeek, Corally Burmaster, Ellen Gordon, Ed Weiss, Sherri Glass, Stew Tardif. Lawrence Alexander was absent.


Secretary’s Report:
The minutes from the Nov. 21, 2013 meeting were read, and after corrections of the spelling of the name Dawn; HWA considers becoming AKC licensed; and that Ellen Gordon sent in a regional report to the AA which included mention of the Nationals, Corally Burmaster moved to accept, and Sherri Glass seconded. Approved.

Terms of office were discussed to be sure they are recorded correctly: Michael Sites and Pat Nemeth- serving 1st. yr. of 1st. term of two yrs, and then possibly another term of two more yrs; Chris Halvorson, Tom McPeek, Lawrence Alexander, Ed Weiss - serving 2nd yr. of 1st. term, followed by possibly another term of two more yrs; Sherri Glass and Ellen Gordon - serving 1st. yr. of 2nd term two-year term, so after this two year term they must take a term off.


Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer Corally Burmaster- No outstanding bills, balance of $8612.77. Michael Sites, as new Treasurer, will open new PayPal account, and forward reports to Ellen Gordon, as did Corally Burmaster. Tom McPeek moved to accept Treasurer’s Report, and Ed Weiss seconded. Accepted.


Events Committee Report
The Events Committee met via teleconference on Dec. 11, 2013. Chris will do an informal email contract with Holly Hills and will reserve a small block of rooms at the Chillicothe Quality Inn for Fun in Field in April. Entry forms will go in February. Reservations will include pre-pay for birds or participation fee for those not needing live birds. Pre-pay for lunches on also on the forms. Bird cost will be 22.00 for pheasants. Committee would like to include some informal events such as walk-through's for practice hunt tests and bird finding exercise for newcomers. Michael Sites to take entries and collect fees.


Regional events- This would be HWA events held outside the state of Ohio. Tom McPeek suggested changing the definition of “regional” to include Ohio. This discussion was tabled until next meeting. After going some over the regional guidelines, Chris Halvorson moved to approve them, and Stew Tardif seconded. Passed.

Patricia Nemeth has been working with Brent LeMaster, who is on committee for the English Springer Spaniel Field Trial Association events. Her assistance helps thank him for his help with HWA, and gives her experience that will be helpful with HWA.


Fund raising-
Corally Burmaster and Pat Reed will still do the auction and limited raffle at the Nationals. Lori Taylor had the HWA on-line shopping store going from Thanksgiving to Dec. 11. The store sold 25 items. Lori had some requests for hoodies, so she’ll try to add some to next shopping round.


Tom McPeek e-mailed the Gilberts and Dorothy Miner about the trophies they had donated and that are no longer being offered by HWA. Tom will make arrangements to return the trophies after the holidays.


Website and Publicity-
Andrea Shaw has all updates on material for the website, but not online yet. Chris Halvorson will do another newsletter in January with updates, up-coming events etc.


Breeders’ Committee
Stew Tardif will have the Breeders’ Referral listing criteria, which his committee has been working on, ready for next meeting.


Education Committee-
Ed Weiss Chris Halvorson working with Ed on a brochure for puppy packets.


Old business-
This is the last board meeting of year, and two members will be going off. A big Thank You to Corally Burmaster, who worked to get the club’s financials in order, and to Stew Tardif, for all his work, including the Breeders Committee, which he will continue to serve on.


New business- none


Next meeting Jan.23, 2013 at 7:00 P.M.

Respectfully submitted- Ellen Gordon, Sec.

Summary of HWA Teleconference Board Meeting Minutes
Thursday, November. 21, 2013


The monthly meeting of the HWA Board was held Nov. 21, 2013 at 7:00 P.M. Present were Pres. Chris Halvorson, V.P.Tom McPeek, treasurer Corally Burmaster, secretary Ellen Gordon, Stew Tardif, Sherri Glass and Ed Weiss. Lawrence Alexander was absent.


The Minutes of the Oct. 24, 2013 meeting were reviewed, with two corrections suggested; specifically, adding Tom McPeek’s name to the Trophy Committee section and noting our discussion that test score sheets be kept by HWA. Sherri Glass moved to accept with corrections, and Ed Weiss seconded. Approved.


Treasurer’s Report:
Treasurer Corally Burmaster reported a balance of $8633.67 in checking after having paid Patricia Nemeth $190.00 as reimbursement for Nationals expenses. Corally will be writing a check to cover cost of sending the treasurer’s records to new Treasurer Michael Sites. Tom McPeek moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report, and Sherri Glass seconded. Approved.


Nationals Committee Report:
Proposed date for Fun in the Field is April 5-6, 2014 at Holly Hills Game Preserve. Proposed to use the same hotel that was used for our Nationals, the Quality Inn in Chillicothe, and ask for same rate and waiver on pet fee. Chris Halvorson moved to accept this plan, and Ed Weiss seconded. Approved.

The Events Committee will also develop guidelines for individuals wanting to host an event or HWA test their area. This will give structure to plans and make them aware that the responsibilities of the event would be on them. Board approved supporting such events with review and approval of plans, publicity, and, if needed, with financial assistance.


Proposed having lapel pins made to given free to first time participates and also be offered for sale to others. Corally Burmaster noted she has a box of the old pins from past years, so those will be used first.

Selection of judges for the Nationals will take place early in 2014, following a meeting of the Rules Committee.


Fundraising Report:
Lori Taylor has been working to have the HWA On-line store open by Thanksgiving, with merchandise ordered to be ready in time for Christmas. Corally Burmaster noted that she and Pat Reed will do the auction and limited raffle for this year’s Nationals, as usual.


Trophy Report:
Same as last month.


Publicity Report:
Andrea Shaw has posted the Nationals report and some photos on the website. Chris will provide additional updates for the website to by Thanksgiving. Mike Logsdon has posted photos and some video clips of the dogs at the Barkathon tree on the member’s section of the website.


Breeder Referral Report:
The Committee is working on guidelines (criteria) for breeders to be listed in the Breeder’s Referral section of our website. Member members are Stew Tardif, Sherri Glass and Dave Morgan.


Education Report:
Same as last month.


Old Business:
Jerry Sibert has equipment to donate to HWA. Patricia Nemeth willing to pick it up, but has difficulty contacting him.


New business:
Ellen reported that leather collars were made from the leftover Airedale belts that she’s had for sale at the Nationals for the past couple of years. The belts were sized too small for most people, so making them into collars we can sell was a good way to use them.


Next meeting date- Dec. 19, 2013. Corally Burmaster moved to adjourn, and Chris Halvorson seconded.

Respectfully submitted Ellen Gordon, Sec.


Summary of HWA Teleconference Board Meeting Minutes,
Thursday, October 24, 2013


The HWA Board meeting was called to order by Pres. Chris Halvorson on Oct. 24, 2013 at 7:00 P.M. Others present were V.P. Tom McPeek, Treasurer Corally Burmaster, Sec. Ellen Gordon, Lawrence Alexander, Stew Tardif and Sherri Glass. Ed Weiss was absent.


Minutes from the Sept. 19, 2013 meeting were read and approved.


Secretary Report:
Discussed the question: should membership dues for 2014 be left as is or raised? Dues are $30.00 individual or $50.00 couple now. Ellen Gordon moved they remain same, and Stew Tardif seconded. Passed.


Treasurer Report:
Corally Burmaster reported a balance of $8633.67 in checkbook. She reported one deposit to do and some bills still to be paid. The Board approved sending a check to new Treasurer Michael Sites so he can open a new HWA account at the bank near him.


Event committees report:
Comments on Nationals included “food excellent,” “everyone helpful,” “excellent judges.” Some suggestions on additional activities may be incorporated at Fun in the Field since we don’t want to over-schedule our Nationals. Observations that our HWA rules are not as complete as AKC rules which judges followed leads to some concern. Rules Committee will need to reconvene to clarify some parts of the HWA rules.

One problem to be addressed in future events. –One of our judges would not show score sheets and kept them. The Board felt all score sheets should remain with HWA as part of our records.

Ron Swisher suggested on members’ website that scores the Hunting Instinct Test should be posted online. Stew Tardif and Ed Weiss suggest that simply listing scores as Pass or Not Qualified would be better, so as not to embarrass anyone who got a low score.


The Hatfields came up short on payments for the lunches, so an additional payment of $160.00 was sent to them. Next year a payment line will be added to the premium list so that payment for lunches will be collected in advance and no one will forget or neglect to pay on the spot.

Canal Smoke House as site for our Thursday’s hospitality was discussed. Consensus was that the food good, but space was over crowded. We will look at alternative sites for hospitality next year.

The Events Planning Committee was formed for 2014. Pat Nemeth and Joyce Contofalsky will co-chair. Chris Halvorson and Sherri Glass will stay on, and Michael Sites was asked to serve. Carrie LaCombe is going off committee. Tom McPeek felt positions on the committee should be opened up to the membership, and all the members should be asked if they would like to serve. Tom McPeek made a motion on that point, but it did not receive a second and did not come to a vote.


Next year’s Nationals date will be Sept. 12 - 14, 2014, at Holly Hills Game Preserve. Hotel Quality Inn is also booked. The Christopher Conference Center to be considered for hospitality. Fun in Field for 2014 was discussed. Holly Hills location was approved, as was the Quality Inn.

We also discussed whether or not to hold a summer event, or perhaps build an Airedale entry at an event sponsored by someone else.


Brent LeMaster wants to sponsor Gunners Trophy for the Nationals, we will follow up on that.


Fundraising report:
Lori Taylor is proposing using an online store that will be advertised via our HWA email list and through the members’ website.


Trophy Report-
Tom McPeek to let the Gilberts know the trophies the Gilberts had previously offered and that are not in use now will be returned to the Gilberts. Tom will arrange for that.


Publicity Report-
Our webmaster Andrea Shaw put up early photos from the Nationals and a marked 2013 catalog She will also add new info and updates and new 2014 membership form will be put on in January.


Breeders Referral Report-
Stew Tardif all good. Discussion on the criteria for breeders to be listed on the HWA Breeders Referral section on our website will be continued at next meeting with recommendation from Breeders Referral Committee.


Education Report-
Chris Halvorson will be working on puppy pamphlet that HWA will offer to breeders to include in puppy packets when pups go to new owners.


No New or Old Business.


Respectfully submitted-Ellen Gordon, Sec.


Summary of Minutes of the HWA Annual General Membership Meeting
September 20, 2013


The Annual Membership Meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M., on Sept. 20, 2013 by HWA President Chris Halvorson at the Quality Inn Chillicothe, Ohio. Chris thanked all who came. There were 34 members and guests present.


Secretary Ellen Gordon gave a summary of the last year’s General Membership Meeting Minutes. Ellen noted there are 72 HWA members for 2013.


Election for 2014 HWA Board: As there were no other nominations for Board positions submitted by the membership, Secretary Ellen Gordon cast one vote for the ballot presented by the Nominating Committee. The slate was as follows:

  • Patricia Nemeth, Board Member and Michael Sites as Treasurer -- Elected for the first year of their first term, so they have two years to serve, with the possibility of serving a second term of two more years;



Chris Halvorson thanked out-going Treasurer Corally Burmaster and Board member Stew Tardif for their service. New terms start Jan.1, 2014.


Financial Report:
Current Treasurer passed out the Year-to-Date Financial Report. Y-T-D income was $19,750.50. Y-T-D Expenses were $11,116.83, and Y-T-D balance was $8,633.67

Committee Reports-

Fundraising- Corally Burmaster thanked all for support

Education- Ed Weiss, absent

Breeders- Stew Tardif noted the Breeders Referral section and the Working Dog EU link on our website

Rules- Chris Halvorson reported the Rules Committee revised the HWA Hunt Test Rules to make them do-able for participants and organizers.

Trophies- Tom McPeek reported that all trophies were ready, with some ribbons left from last year to be used this year.

Publicity- Chris Halvorson reported the main website going well, with our thanks and appreciation to our webmaster Andrea Shaw. In addition, thank you to Mike Logsdon for setting up the members’ section of the website with ongoing items of special interest to members.


Fur test qualifiers- Lawrence Alexander gave report on the Fur Tests, announced Linda Sorak and her dog Laser were the only qualifier, and presented Linda Sorak with the Priscilla Cree award.


Old Business:
Reviewed suggestions from last year’s General Membership Meeting. Chris Halvorson noted that ideas from that meeting that were implemented this year included asking for sponsors to defray expenses; the development of a members’ website; and using e-mail to defray mailing costs. In addition, we wanted to improve the level of organization of the event. Judge Brent LeMaster was very helpful in this aspect.


We noted that AKC and HRC titles count as legs in our HWA versatile program. ATCA fur titles are also recognized by HWA. Combining HWA, AKC and ATCA titles made it possible for Sandi Cooley to present the Randall Cooley Memorial Trophy for Master Hunter Versatile Dog to Connie White and Jet this year at the ATCA’s Cooley Hunt Test in May in Wisconsin.


George Gordon moved to adjourn and Corally Burmaster seconded.

Respectfully submitted- Ellen Gordon Sec.

Summary of HWA Board Meeting Minutes
Thursday, Sept. 19, 2013


The HWA Board met “in person” on Sept. 19, 2013 at the Quality Inn, Chillicothe, Ohio at 5:00 P.M. Present were Pres. Chris Halvorson, VP Tom McPeek, Treasurer Corally Burmaster, Secretary Ellen Gordon, and Board members Lawrence Alexander, Sherri Glass, and Stew Tardif. Ed Weiss was absent. Michael Sites and Patricia Nemeth were invited to sit in, as they will be new Board members as of January, 2014.


Minutes of the August 22, 2013 Board meeting were reviewed. Sherri Glass moved to accept, and Stew Tardif seconded. Approved.


Treasurer Corally Burmaster reported a checking account balance of $11,453.29. Approved. The Board went over the financial report that Corally will present at the General Meeting.


Nationals Committee report: All is set and ready to go. It was felt that we could use more blinds; we will check with Dale Burrier on the ones he had to donate.


General Membership Meeting will be Friday, Sept. 20 at 7:00 pm. HWA Secretary Ellen Gordon will cast one ballot for the Nominating Committee’s slate of officers, as there were no further nominations from the membership. The slate is: President, Chris Halvorson; Vice President, Tom McPeek; Treasurer, Michael Sites; Secretary, Ellen Gordon: Board Members - Lawrence Alexander, Ed Weiss, Sherri Glass, and Patricia Nemeth.


Breakfast will available at Quality Inn starting at 6:00 a.m., and lunch will be available at Holly Hills. Patricia Nemeth is providing pastries for morning coffee at Holly Hills. Chris Halvorson to pay Marsha Hatfield by check for comped lunches for judges, gunners, and assistant; the amount will be $112.00.


The Saturday night banquet has 48 people signed up. Carrie LaCombe will be Master of Ceremonies. Lawrence Alexander will do the invocation. The schedule will be: Cocktails at 6:30; guests to take their seats at 7:15; Carrie starts announcements when dinner service begins at 7:30. The evening’s agenda is: Invocation, basket raffles, eating, table auction, call backs for Hunt Tests, Hunting Instinct awards; special surprise award honoring the Mal and Joyce Grahm for attending all 28 years of HWA Nationals; and auction winners announced.


Corally Burmaster reported all tickets sold for limited raffle.


Trophies- Tom McPeek-Trophies will be on display at Holly Hills on Sunday. Looking at this year’s entries, we note we could have a Joan Shea Gordon winner this year if one dog qualifies for all three tests on one level – there are a couple dogs entered who might do this. Chris Halvorson has certificates for First Time participants. Tom McPeek will not do trophy presentations, offering Carrie LaCombe and Patricia Nemeth, the Event Chairs, the opportunity to do that. The Fur Test awards will be done at the General Meeting by Lawrence Alexander, chief Fur Test judge.


Publicity- Andrea Shaw doing well with the website, but updates will be needed on the website following the Nationals. Mike Logsdon is doing well as manager of our members’ website section of main website.


No old business.


No new business.


Adjourn- Corally Burmaster made motion, and Lawrence Alexander seconded. Next Board meeting will be a teleconference on Oct. 24, 2013 at 7:00 P.M.


Respectfully submitted- Ellen Gordon, Sec.


Summary of HWA Teleconference Minutes
Thursday, August 22, 2013


The HWA Board met on August 22, 2013, at 7:00 P.M., with the following present: Pres. Chris Halvorson, V.P. Tom McPeek, Treasurer Corally Burmaster, Sec. Ellen Gordon, Ed Weiss, Stew Tardif and Sherri Glass. Lawrence Alexander was absent.


Minutes from the July 25, 2013 meeting were read, and one addition/correction was noted: the Rules Committee is temporarily inactivated, not the rules. Corally Burmaster moved to accept, and Stew Tardif seconded. Approved. Chris Halvorson will summarize and send to Mike Logsdon for website.


Treasurer Corally Burmaster reported a balance of $7695.29 in the HWA checkbook after paying the balance of $150.00 for wood Airedale, which will be our Limited Raffle item. There are no outstanding bills. Corally Burmaster also reported that $950.00 in tickets have been sold thus far for the wood Airedale statue raffle. Ed Weiss moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report, and Stew Tardif seconded. The Treasurer’s report was accepted.


The Nationals Report - The $250.00 gift card donated to HWA by ORVATC for Gundog Supplies has been used to purchase ammo and scents. $99.72 is still available for future purchases. A thank you card has been sent to ORVATC for their donation.


So far Holly Evans, Mike Sites, the Halvorsons, Ed Weiss, and Sherri Glass have sponsored Hunt Tests at the Nationals. Ed Weiss has also donated $250.00 to be used where needed.


A “Jobs List” for the Nationals was also gone over so members know where help is needed. Still to be done are the dinner reservations for judges, gunners, and helpers. Joyce Contolfalsky and Sherri Glass are to greet judges and gunners, and they will escort them to dinners, etc.


The Events Committee decided to return to the practice of using a live raccoon to warm up dogs before the tests to ensure better success in the hunt test.

Fundraising- Lori Taylor has 22 to 25 T-shirts left. Lori suggested lowering the price of the logo mugs to 8:00. The Board approved that.


Education-It was suggested that a pamphlet on HWA be offered to breeders to include in puppy packets when selling puppies. Chris Halvorson will work on that.


Breeders Committee- Stew Tardif reported all is good.


Trophies- Tom McPeek reported that our trophies will be displayed at Holly Hills Preserve on Sunday, but they not be displayed at the banquet. The Sadie Girl Memorial trophy is not being offered this year due to lack of sponsorship. Tom is having the up-dating done on the plaques on the Road Dog trophy. Lawrence reported that his telephone conversation with the Gilberts concerning the trophies they had sponsored in previous years (which are no longer being offered) produced the understanding that the Gilberts would like their trophies returned to them. Tom McPeek agreed to deliver those trophies to Gilberts; he will be reimbursed for gas.

Publicity Report - Andrea Shaw and Mike Logsdon are doing a good job on website. Andrea Shaw worked with Corally Burmaster to put the wooden Airedale raffle information on the main HWA website. We are up to 458 friends on the HWA Facebook site.


Old business- No further nominations were received from the membership for 2014 Board election, so the HWA Secretary will cast one ballot for the slate at our General Meeting. That meeting will be at 7:00 P.M. at our headquarters hotel, the Quality Inn in Chillicothe, Sept. 20, 2013. Our Board meeting will be held on Thursday, Sept. 19, 2013 at 5:00 P.M. in the breakfast room at the hotel.


Hospitality, courtesy of the Lawrences, will follow at the Old Canal Smokehouse on Thursday, Sept. 19, 2013 at 6:00 p.m. Maps with directions to Holly Hills Game Preserve, our event site, will be available at Hospitality.

The HWA Banquet and Auction will be held on Saturday, Sept 21, 2013 at the Christopher Conference Center, which is attached to the headquarters hotel.


Ed Weiss moved to adjourn, and Sherri Glass seconded.

Respectfully submitted by Ellen Gordon, HWA Secretary

Summary HWA Board Meeting Minutes
July 25, 2013


The HWA Board met via teleconference on July 25, 2013 at 7:00 P.M. All members were present. Minutes from the June 27, 2013 Board Teleconference were read. Corrections included the notation that a total of 50 tan and orange t-shirts with the HWA emblem would be available at the Nationals (includes some from present inventory); UKC, AKC and ATCA titles were confirmed as having been accepted as equivalent to HWA titles; and, a clarification was added that the Joan Shea Gordon Memorial trophy is only awarded at the Nationals to a dog who qualifies in all three tests on a level that dog has not qualified at previously. Corally Burmaster moved to accept the Minutes, with corrections. No second recorded; members voted to accept the Minutes of the June 27th Board meeting.


Treasurer Corally Burmaster reported a balance of $5790.29 in checking, which included $700.00 for entries in the Ben Martin Training weekend and $230.00 from the sales of HWA t-shirts. Ed Weiss moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report, and Lawrence Alexander seconded. The Treasurer’s Report was accepted.


HWA received a generous donation of a $250.00 gift card to Gun Dog Supply from the Ohio River Valley Airedale Terrier Club. The Board will use the card to purchase supplies for events. Ellen Gordon, HWA secretary, will send a thank you note to ORVATC.


Fees for the National’s Hunt Tests were set: Fur Tests, $30.00; Upland and Retriever Tests @ 65.00. Special discount of $150.00 if entering all three Hunt Tests. The Hunting Instinct Test fee is $30.00; Brent LeMaster’s work shop fee is $75.00; combo fee for entering both the Hunting Instinct Test and workshop is $100.00. The Barkathon fun event fee is $5.00, and the Pocket Quail fun event is free. Catalog advertising will be offered at $50.00 per page.


Hunt Test sponsorship levels were determined: Junior level, $25.00, Senior, $50.00; Master, $100.00. Sponsors will be thanked in catalog, and Thank You’s to be repeated at dinner. In addition, sponsors for parts of the event, such as Hospitality sponsors Lawrence and Polly Alexander and ORVATC club for their gift card will also be acknowledged and thanked.


Corally Burmaster reported that tickets for this year’s Limited Raffle item, a chainsaw-carved wooden Airedale, will be offered online after the Canfield (August 1-4th) weekend. The raffle winner may pick up the Airedale at the Nationals or Montgomery County Airedale Specialty show in October. The wooden Airedale is too big to ship.

Education Committee Report: We put a new question/answer on the FAQ section of the website –“How to train dog for fur and tracking tests?”


Breeders’ Committee: - Stew Tardif reported good feedback on the website.


Rules Committee: - Dispense with the Rules Committee reports for now, since recent Rules revisions have been accomplished, and no new rules activity needed at this time.


Trophies Report- Tom McPeek will send a list of trophies offered this year to Pat Bell, who is preparing the catalog. Tom will also update Road Dog trophy plaques by listing last year’s winner, Connie White’s dog.


Publicity Report- 416 friends on HWA Facebook site. An “HWA Update” digital newsletter was e-mailed out. Andrea Shaw will update HWA website in order to promote the Nationals.


Old business: John Bell, Nominating Committee Chairman for 2014 Board, reported that Michael Sites has been nominated as Treasurer; Ellen Gordon is nominated to continue for a second term as Secretary; Sherri Glass is nominated to continue for a second term on the Board; and Patricia Nemeth has been nominated to fill the vacancy on the Board. Chris Halvorson thanked the Nominating Committee members for their work. The HWA membership is to be notified of this nominated slate by Aug. 5, 2013. The membership will have until Aug. 20, 2013 to submit additional nominations.


There was no New Business.


Corally Burmaster moved to adjourn, and Stew Tardif seconded. Next teleconference meeting will be Aug. 22, 2013 at 7:00 P.M.

Respectfully submitted, Ellen Gordon, Sec.

Summary of HWA Board Minutes
June 27th, 2013


The HWA board met via teleconference on June 27th, 2013 at 7:00 P.M. Present were Pres. Chris Halvorson, Treasurer Corally Burmaster, Sec. Ellen Gordon, Stew Tardif and Lawrence Alexander. Absent: Tom McPeek, Sherri Glass and Ed Weiss.


Minutes from the May 23, 2013 meeting were read. Corally Burmaster moved to approve, and Stew Tardif seconded. Passed.


Treasurer’s Report - Treasurer Corally Burmaster reported a checking account balance of $4920.09. She paid bills of $336.90 to Andrea Shaw for website work; Lori Taylor - $328.00 for ordered shirts for resale; and $1000.00 to Ben Martin as his fee for the training weekend. Money to come in is $700.00 from entry fees for the Ben Martin event, plus money from t-shirts sold at that event.. Lawrence Alexander moved to accept the Financial Report; and Stew Tardif seconded. Accepted.


Events Committee Report - Ben Martin weekend went well. There were only 6 Airedales, but 3 were new. As we go into next year, the Board will need to discuss whether to have 2 or 3 events next year in consideration of the low turnout at our first two training events this year.


Nationals Planning: - Judges will be Brent LeMaster and John Dudash for Upland. Joe Smithberger, an AKC retriever judge, will do Retriever Test. Cathrine Darr, DVM, has told Joe Smithberger she will be second Retriever judge, but we still have to contact her personally. Lawrence Alexander will judge Fur Tests with Chris Halvorson; Patricia Nemeth will be apprentice Fur Judge. Brent LeMaster’s will be fee is $1000.00 for conducting workshops and serving as event consultant. Sherri Glass and Joyce Contofalsky will handle hospitality for the judges. Patricia Nemeth to make sure the new owner of the Old Canal Smokehouse will honor previous bookings. We will not rent a large tent for the Nationals since we have some indoor seating and people may bring pop-up tents. Dean Hatfield, owner of Holly Hills, says he has proper license to handle fur animals, and he will supply the raccoons. Patricia Nemeth has ordered sets of glasses with pheasant design on them for judges’ gifts.


Carrie LaCombe to have Premium list out by mid-July, and Pat Bell will be asked if she will do catalog. Hotel usually requires deposit in advance, but we will see if we can pay by one check at the end, or if we have to have a deposit check in advance.


Orange t-shirts with HWA emblem were a good seller at the Ben Martin event. Lori Taylor will order more orange shirts and order some tan shirts with HWA emblem as well. We will advertise the shirts on Facebook and the members’ website, as well as selling them at our Nationals.


Fundraising Report- Corally Burmaster said giant wood carved Airedale for special raffle will be ready July 22, and flyers for raffle tickets will go out after Canfield dog show weekend (first weekend in August). We also may use a Dannyquest head study statue (1/50) for a second prize.

Breeders Report- Stew Tardif reported all is good on the Breeders’ Referral website section.

Rules Committee Report – Proposed HWA Hunt Test Rules revisions were discussed. Chris Halvorson moved to accept proposed revisions. Lawrence Alexander seconded. Revisions passed. We will ask Andrea Shaw to put revised rules on website to replace past version.


Publicity Report - We discussed sending HWA Update newsletter prior to the Premium send out. The HWA Update newsletter will go out via email as a .pdf to save mailing costs. Content of newsletter will include National plans and recent news of Airedale accomplishments, such as those of Connie White’s Jet, who is the breed’s newest MH and MHV. Also, 3 Airedales who earned AKC Junior Hunter titles this spring will be mentioned. Newsletter will also note that new HWA Hunt Test rules are in effect. We’ll also mention that AKC and UKC Hunt Test titles and ATCA Fur Tests titles count as “legs” in the HWA versatile program. We’ll review the training events HWA offered this spring and summer, and stress that the training programs are designed to encourage more participation.


Old business- Tom McPeek reviewed the Minutes of July 14, 2011 meeting to find the discussion on whether our current HWA Hunt Test rules should state that the AKC Hunt Test titles should be accepted as equivalent to HWA titles. In those minutes, it was noted that Tom McPeek had made that motion and Joyce Contolfalsky had seconded. This was in answer to question of whether we had done this or not. Clarification was also made that the Joan Shea Gordon Memorial trophy is only awarded when someone earns all three titles at the HWA Nationals at a level not previously achieved.


New business-none.


Stew Tardif moved to adjourn, and Corally Burmaster seconded.



Respectfully submitted- Ellen Gordon, Sec.


Summary of HWA Board Teleconference Minutes,
May 23, 2013


The HWA Board met May 23, 2013 at 7:00 P.M. Present were Pres. Chris Halvorson , V.P. Tom McPeek, Treasurer Corally Burmaster, Sec. Ellen Gordon and Board members Stew Tardif, Sherri Glass and Ed Weiss. Lawrence Alexander was absent.


Minutes from the April 25, 2013 were discussed. One correction was that Ed Weiss is conducting the Hunting Instinct test, not Lawrence Alexander. Corally moved to approve, and Stew Tardif seconded. Approved.

Treasurer Corally Burmaster reported a balance of $6913.19 in the checking account after the bill for insurance was paid. Insurance was $372.00. There are no outstanding bills. Stew Tardif moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report, and Sherri Glass seconded. Approved.


Voting on By-Laws Amendments: 28 responses returned on the ballots sent out to our 70 members. All the proposed By-Laws amendments passed.


The Events Committee met on May 9, 2013. Chris Halvorson, Carrie LaCombe, Pat Nemeth, Sherri Glass and Joyce Contolfalsky participated in a teleconference. They reported the Ben Martin weekend, June 22-23, may be short of needed entries. We have 6 entries, but need 10 to cover cost. Even though much advertising was done, it had weak response. Event will go on as planned.


Nationals Report: - Brent LeMaster will judge, and help line up another judge. Brent will also be bringing two AKC certified gunners. He is also doing our workshop and acting as our event consultant for smooth set up and coordination. His fee is $1000.00, plus comped rooms and meals. Carrie LaCombe developed proposed schedules.

Holly Hills Report: - Dean Hatfield agreed in e-mail contract to clubs terms. We discussed having a tent for meals, but decided against because cost of $400.00, plus there will be some seating in building. Dean will provide ducks, coons, and we will use chukars @ 15.00 and pheasants @ 20.00. Contract to be signed for buffet at Christopher Center.

Fundraising Report- Lori Taylor has ordered 40 orange shirts with HWA logo. Cost to club is $8.00 and $9.00 dollars. Shirts will sell for 10.00, except for $15.00 for 2x large size. Corally Burmaster will do limited raffle of wooden Airedale.


Board decided to do traditional catalog. Advertising will be available for cost of 50.00 per page.


Education Committee report:- Ed Weiss has a good beginning and will come up with other subjects for the FAQ section of website.


Breeders site: Stew Tardif reported things in good shape on the website.


Trophies- Tom McPeek ordered ribbons at a cost $127.00. He reports an inventory of mugs for the Barkathon and 23 blank Jefferson cups.


Publicity- Facebook up to 377 friends. Website working well. We will try to have information and photos posted on Facebook also posted in Members section of website so that members who don’t do Facebook won’t miss anything.

Old business- AKC approval of ATCA fur tests still pending. John Bell will chair nominating committee, with George Gordon and Tom McPeek also serving on Committee.


New business- ATCA Cooley Memorial Hunt Tests were well organized and attended. 5 Airedales were entered in the ATCA Fur Tests, and 9 Airedales were entered in the AKC Upland Tests. Question on whether AKC Upland tests can be used as leg towards HWA versatile awards. Question centered on what HWA had approved last year, so we need to look back at last year’s Minutes to clarify. Plan to discuss more at June meeting.


Next meeting June 27, 2013 at 7:00 P.M.

Respectfully submitted, Ellen Gordon, Sec.


HWA Teleconference Board Meeting Minutes
April 25, 2013


The HWA Board met April 25, 2013 at 7:00P.M. Present were Pres. Chris Halvorson, V.P. Tom McPeek, Treasurer Corally Burmaster, Sec. Ellen Gordon, Board members Sherri Glass, Stew Tardif and Lawrence Alexander. Absent Ed Weiss.


Minutes from the Feb.21, 2013 teleconference meeting were discussed, and no corrections noted. Corally Burmaster moved to accept, and Lawrence Alexander seconded. Approved. Report of balloting on proposed amendments to ByLaws noted only a few have been returned so far, but deadline not until May 15.


Treasurer Corally Burmaster reported a checking balance of $6897.19 with $293.00 in Pay Pal for a total of $7100.19 in treasury. No outstanding bills. Financial report for Fun in Field March 22-23 was that there was a loss of 120.00 for the weekend. Ellen Gordon moved to accept the report, and Lawrence seconded. Approved.


Events committee- Chris Halvorson, Pat Nemeth, Sherri Glass, and Joyce Contolfalsky had conference call April 11, 2013. So far 5 entries signed up for Ben Martins weekend in June. 10 are needed to break even. Weekend has been opened up for all bird dogs. Ben Martin has asked to judge at Nationals in Sept. with Brian Martin acting as consultant, but has to check with spaniel club about a possible conflict. Also Brett LeMaster willing to help where needed.

Lawrence Alexander will do fur testing. Committee suggested we institute some things that were done in the past, such as fun events as the Barkathon, and pocket quail contest. Will keep one person for workshop presenter and to try to get an AKC judge. Will keep Hunting Instinct Test, and Ed Weiss and Stew Tardif will do. Nationals dinner menu has to be set, and cost will be 29.00. Chris will get contract from Dean Hatfield, and find out if he supplies bird boys. Hospitality at Canal Smokehouse will be sponsored by Lawrence Alexander. Thanks Lawrence.

The Board was notified that Ohio River Valley Airedale Terrier Assoc. will be sending a donation to HWA. Chris Halvorson will send thank you when received.


Fund raising- Corally Burmaster- Chain-sawed Airedale has been ordered and will start selling tickets Aug. 5th. She is willing to transport to Montgomery if someone wins that is not at Nationals. Lori Taylor is ordering orange t-shirts with club emblem to sell priced around 10.00.

Education- Reference people to the FAQ section on the website who inquire.

Rules committee- The HWA board to make final decisions. Members to be Chris Halvorson, Carrie LaComb, Tom McPeek, Joyce Contolfalsky and Lawrence Alexander. Meet in May and report to board in June. Needs to be done before premium lists go out mid July. The big question is who sets the tests. Judges?

Trophies- Tom McPeek will still do. Question came up about what to do with trophies that were donated in past, some from Gilberts. Tom McPeek to contact them.

Publicity-website. Andrea Shaw is up to date for website, and Mike Logsdon is current on items of interest in members section.

Old business-Still pending is AKC approval of fur tests.

New business-Nominating committee needs to be appointed. Has to be in place by June 20th. Suggestions were John Bell chairman, George Gordon, Tom McPeek. Chris Halvorson to contact. Terms up are Sherri Glass, Ellen Gordon, Corally Burmaster, Stew Tardif. They will be asked first if willing to accept another term, this time for two years.

Club was asked by Connie White if it would like to sponsor a trophy along with ATCA for Dee Luliks deceased Airedale that was a MH and Mach agility. It was felt by Scott Lichty and Chris Halvorson that the organizations wouldn't sponsor, but any member that wanted to could.

Decided not to sponsor.

North American Gamebird Assoc. magazine wants to do an article on HWA. Chris Halvorson will do, and John Bell's Annie flushing a pheasant will be on cover.


Next meeting to be May 23,2013 at 7:00 P.M.

Stew Tardif moved to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted, Ellen Gordon, Sec.

Summary of HWA Teleconference Minutes
Feb. 21, 2013


The HWA Board met February 21, 2013 at 7:00 P.M. Present Chris Halvorson, Corally Burmaster, Ellen Gordon, Sheri Glass and Stew Tardif. Absent - Lawrence Alexander and Tom McPeek. Ed Weiss came in late due to weather.

Minutes from the January 24, 2013 were discussed and no corrections noted. Corally Burmaster moved to approve, and Stew Tardif seconded. Approved.


Treasurer Corally Burmaster reported a balance of $6796.20, with no outstanding bills or no receipts. Ellen Gordon made motion to approve report, and Stew Tardif seconded. Approved. Corally Burmaster to send Ellen Gordon a list of people who made donations so that thank you cards can be sent out. Chris Halvorson to also send current membership list to Ellen Gordon and has also sent one to Mike Logsdon for website. Will also send him summarized minutes.


Events committee Patricia Nemeth, Chris Halvorson, Carrie LaCombe and Sherri Glass met Feb. 20, 2013. Joyce Contolfalsky unable to attend. Fun in field to be held March 23 & 24, 2 entries so far. Chris Halvorson will send reminder post cards to Ellen Gordon to send out. Still in works is restaurant for 15 or 20 people for Sat. night. By March 15 Chris Halvorson should have count for lunches, birds for Dennis Courtland owner. Question of other atvs allowed to be answered. Quality Inn in Mansfield under contract for 84.00 a night. Brent LeMaster will also be in attendance at no fee to help.


Ben Martin training event will be June 22-23. Joyce and Craig Contolfalsky and Patricia Nemeth visited location Jan. 19, and Craig took pictures that can be used in advertising. E-mail from Ben Martin to Joyce Contolfalsky included to following: times 9 to 5 on Sat. and 9 to 12 on Sunday; fee is 1000.00 plus birds, so participants pay 100.00 plus birds; pigeons 5.00, chukkars market price; 4 to 6 birds per person; advance pay. Ben Martin to do table work; field work with live birds; each person to get individual time with him; timed water event where each participant puts in $2.00, winner gets half and Ben Martin takes half and provides lunch on Saturday. Bring own chairs and drinks, (no alcohol); Participants to receive Ben’s certificates and video; he provides gunners and may have photographer. There is rv parking but no hook- ups. Chris Halvorson is to contact Ben Martin after Fun in Field to clarify questions and to formulize contract.


Nationals are booked for Holly Hills Game Farm in Chillicothe for Sept. 20 to 23. Patricia Nemeth has been working with owner Dean Hatfield, and Chris Halvorson will formulate contract with him.

Patricia Nemeth has been negotiating with Dane Straub, owner of Old Canal Smokehouse, and has booked hospitality room for Thurs. Sept. 19, 7:00 P.M. for about $500.00 for 40 people. Rooms can be reserved at the Quality Inn for 85.95, which includes complimentary breakfast. Meeting rooms available at 170.00, banquet room 340.00, but after Patricia Nemeth negotiated, the fees were waived. Corally Burmater made motion to contract with hotel for rooms and Stew Tardif seconded. Passed.


Hunt Tests for Nationals will be co-chaired by Carrie LaCombe and Patricia Nemeth. Premium list need to be out by Aug. 1st. Cut off date for rooms will be Aug. 19. Will possibly have Brent LeMaster for a judge.


Fund raising- Corally Burmaster asked for permission to order life sized Airedale, sculptured by chain saw for a limited raffle. Cost of dog is 300.00. Sherri Glass moved to do so and Chris Halvorson seconded. Passed. Will make clear that item can't be shipped, but arrangements can be made for pick up.


Patricia Nemeth has suggested we contact Purina for a sponsorship.


Website- Mike Logsdon has put a members only section on website. Quite good.


Rules- Talked about proposed changes, and it was decided would make final decisions after input was considered.

Old business - No official comment back from ATCA on recognizing titles, though positive comments came through e-mail.


Trophies- tabled


No new business.


No March meeting due to Fun in the Field, followed by Easter week. Next meeting April 25, 2013 at 7:00 P.M.

Respectfully submitted, Ellen Gordon, Sec.

Summary of HWA Board Teleconference Minutes
January 24, 2013


The HWA held a teleconference Jan. 24. 2013 at 7:00 P.M. Present Pres. Chris Halvorson, Treasurer Corally Burmaster, Sec. Ellen Gordon , Board members Lawrence Alexander, Stew Tardif, Sherri Glass. Absent: Ed Weiss, excused.

Minutes of the Nov. 27, 2012 meeting were read, and Corally Burmaster moved to accept, and Lawrence Alexander seconded.


Treasurer Corally Burmaster reported income of $720.00 from dues and donations. Payment to Chris Halvorson of $152.30 for printing and postage reimbursements for HWA Updates. Balance of 6326.20. No outstanding bills. There are 52 paid members. Corally Burmaster suggested we take out the dues notice out of the Nationals premium list to avoid the confusion as to what year members are paying for, since next years dues aren't due till after first of the year.


It was decided to send out individual thank you notes to people who made donations. Lawrence Alexander moved to accept report, and Ellen Gordon seconded.


Events Committee met 1-9-2013 to discuss sites for Fun in Field, training weekend, and Nationals. They will decide at next meeting on Feb. 20, 2013, and report at Board teleconference on Feb. 21. Ben Martin’s place is being considered for the Training Weekend, June 22-23. Chris Halvorson moved we book Ben Martin’s, and it was seconded by Sherri Glass; all in favor. It was also decided to go ahead with a Fun in the Field weekend, and Nationals in Sept. at Holly Hill grounds.


Constitution and by-laws [amendments] tabled until next month.

Fundraising- No items were sold over Internet. Corally Burmaster would like to see someone appointed as a committee chair for fundraising for the merchandise. Committee would be given an amount to start purchases.

Education and breeders list tabled.


Rules committee- Longtime Hunt Test participants and developers will be asked to work on the rules revisions.


Next meeting Feb. 21,2013 at 7:00 P.M.

Corally Burmaster moved to adjourn and Lawrence Alexander seconded.


Respectfully submitted, Ellen Gordon, Sec.


HWA Annual Report, 2012

HWA Board of Directors


This Board was the first Board to be nominated and elected under the new HWA Constitution and ByLaws. This Board will serve from January 2013 through December 2013. Board members are: Chris Halvorson, President; Tom McPeek, Vice-President; Ellen Gordon, Secretary; Corally Burmaster, Treasurer; with Board members Lawrence Alexander, Sherri Glass, Stew Tardif and Ed Weiss. Our sincere thanks to Joyce Contofalsky for her service on last year's Board. We welcome Sherri Glass as a new Board member. Later this year a Nominating Committee will recommend new Board members to replace any current Board members who will not return next year. Please let us know soon if you'd like to serve on the Nominating Committee OR on the next Board.

Feel free to contact us at or 716-625-9420 ............ Andrea Shaw, webmaster
Facebook!HuntingWorkingAiredales, Inc...........................282 friends
HWA Memberships ...................................................................70

Fun in the Field
April l4-15th, 2012 Holly Hills Game Preserve, Chillicothe, OH
A gathering of about 15 Airedales and their owners for some informal training, hunting, and camaraderie.

27th Annual HWA Airedale Field Nationals,
Sept. 14-16,2012, Rush Creek Game Farm, Bremen, OH

Total Airedales entered .................................................................25
Airedales entered in HWA Hunt Tests ..............................................24
Airedales entered in Hunting Instinct Test ....................................... 4
Airedales entered in Workshops ......................................................59
(some Airedales were entered in multiple tests and workshops)
Attendees at HWA Banquet ...........................................................51

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